Chapter 1: Exorcist Academy

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(Artwork is done by an AI. It's the new protagonist of this book. Don't worry, he's not replacing Seth or his friends/family. This is the continuation of the Main Plot line and not a side story.)

Narrator POV:

Country: United Kingdom
Location: London
Building: Exorcist Academy
Applicant: Terra Woods
Height: 6ft
Weight: 170

Applicant#2: Azura Aqua
Height: 5ft 6in
Weight: 120-130

Applicant#3: Ventus Verona
Height: 5ft 3in
Weight: 120

A Latina woman in her late teens, early twenties, boards a plane from the Mexican Branch in the Church Organization,
followed by a Japanese woman in her mid teens,
wearing a samurai inspired clothing and a man in his late 40's wearing a black martial arts gi with a dragon on the back.
The Latina carefully reads over all applicants' files from the London Exorcist Academy and reads their backgrounds,
forming an unbiased opinion based on their magic type,
and weaknesses.

??? POV: It was the night before the Exams where all applicants would be tested to see if they have what it takes to become an Exorcist!
My name is Terra Woods,
and I've been waiting for this night for 3 years!
The day I would graduate the academy and start going on real missions!
Ten years ago,
at the age of eight,
I was adopted by the Exorcist Academy's principal and raised as his son.
It had pros and cons.

The pros were that I got the best education with the best magic training, cons were that I got held back 3 years in a row my senior year of high school.
As I went through private school,
there was one girl in particular who shared the same goals as me.
More than anything in the world, she wanted to become a Legate Class Exorcist and fight off Demons to keep the peace in the world.

My goals were to make my father proud and become a Legate Class as well. Unfortunately,
that was not the hand life dealt me and gave me the short end of the stick,
then beat me with it.
First, my father disapproves of AJ,
and then he holds me back a year for letting my grades slip into B's and C's and not maintaining pure A's!

Then they bar me from taking the Exams because my father didn't think I was qualified to take them!
So my girlfriend passes and becomes an Exorcist,
while I repeat a year and focus on getting them A's.
AJ texted me her schedule,
so I balanced school life with her work life,
and while I did meet my father's requirements to take the Exams,
I unfortunately failed them by using Dark Magic.

Once again, I repeated a year,
and once again,
I was held back for a different reason. My father claimed it was because I was withdrawing from Academy students and focusing way too hard on my studies and that withdrawing from comrades leads to negative thoughts and emotions and that such emotions attract Demons and Demons lead to possessions or under their influences.
it's a miracle my father doesn't even go through my phone and say my music is the Devil's music or that the tv shows I like are brain washing me.

Music and television are all that I have to keep me sane at this point.
Every time I make friends,
they just graduate the Academy,
so it's pointless,
but humans are social creatures,
so eventually,
I would have to socialize.

This year has been different in every way possible!
My latest friend Ventus Verona is a 2nd Generation Exorcist just like me and was a part of the Super Soldier project that gave him super human speed,
and durability but at the cost of his mental state.
He came out of the project testing room a broken kid.

He used to talk like a mature teen,
but now it's like his mind regressed to that of a ten year old or younger.
He used to be cold, sassy,
and apathetic,
but now he's optimistic, fun,
and a joy to be around.
My father placed me,
and another girl around my age in charge of watching over Ventus Verona.

Artificial 6: Exorcist Academy Where stories live. Discover now