Chapter 11: Family No More

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(Author's Notes)

So my friends told me that I switched their two characters and that Chase and Sora were meant to be kind and peaceful to Selena and that Female Terra was meant to be hostile towards Alexander,
I can't change what I wrote,
but I can change what happens next,
so it's a slight revision but otherwise true to the new source material.

Narration: Prior to Ventus and Terra summoning Yuzuhara and Zoey,
Selena was engaging the twins Chase and Sora in a fight,
slashing and shooting at them,
but their superior speed,
and durability to take a slash and bullet was just too much.
Sora creates a spear out of ice and holds Selena off,
while Chase uses long-range combat to keep her at a distance.
Selena tosses off her Exorcist trench coat as Chase sets it on fire,
revealing Selena's athletic body type with a slim body,
black pants,
and a dark red short sleeved shirt.

Sora touches the ground and fires a wall of ice spikes out of the ground toward Selena and Selena counters by firing her aura off her ninjaken,
cutting the ice in half before it could reach her.
"You're certainly a cut above the other guy here. What's your name, and why do you wish to make a contract?" Chase asks.
"There's a certain demon I want to kill personally. The Exorcist were just a means to an end."
Both sides stop fighting just as a giant red beam shoots into the sky,
piercing the clouds.
Selena goes back on the offensive,
and Chase and Sora just use simple martial arts to beat up Selena until the red lights are too much to ignore,
Sora slams Selena into the ground and holds her head as she props her knee on her back.

"You going to chill, or do I have to knock you out?!"
Sora yells as all Selena could do was lay on the ground with her teeth gritted, struggling to resist Sora.
"Look, we get you want revenge, but being too stubborn to accept defeat will not get you anywhere. Let's make a deal, ok?"
Sora gets off Selena,
helps her up,
dusts her off,
and looks her in the eyes.
"And what are the terms to this deal?" Selena asks,
ready to decline if the price is her soul. "Whatever you want it to be."
Selena thinks about it,
and before we hear anything,
we pan over to Alexander and Female Terra where Female Terra is blitzing all of Alexander's squad members,
Arthur and Elizabeth included.

All of Alexander's squad lays on the floor,
moaning in pain,
and in exchange for keeping his life, he pledges eternal loyalty to Female Terra and love if she so desires,
not out of actual romantic feelings but out of sheer fear for his life.

With Azura and Seth,
despite fighting,
Seth poked and probed at Azura to gain some level of insight into what is happening and why she is trying to contract with an S through Demon Lord rank demon,
when Azura tells Seth it's because of a mission,
they stop fighting,
and Seth sheaths his Yagito katana.
"Are you going to accept my contract?" Azura asks bitterly,
to which Seth laughs,
slicking his already spikey hair back. "Hahaha, yeah, sure. I got nothing better to do, besides, not like you can kill me, lady."

Seth says rather arrogantly only to look down and see a chain and lock on his Yagito katana,
unable to unsheath it.
"You see this talisman? Your demonic power is now linked to my sword, and you can not use your demonic power without my permission."
Seth keeps trying to unsheath his sword only for all his demonic power to be stripped from his body,
essentially making him a human.
"You little fuck!"
Was all Seth could say at the situation as his skin color begins to become pale due to losing all his demonic energy.
Two more hours passed as all Exorcist were rounded up and taken back to London,
where Blake Cross was sent back to the Academy for not being able to summon or contract a demon.

(Terra's POV)

So, the flight back home was eventful, to say the least.
All the Exorcist in the helicopter had animallike Familiars,
and none looked remotely human.
The ones that did get humanoid ones were some people I never met, Alexander and his squad,
Selena and Azura,
not counting me and Ventus.
Azura had the most colorful Demon who introduced himself as a Demon Lord, then you got Selena,
who got two Demons who call themselves the Twin Demon Lords.
Then you got Alexander's Demon,
who said she's related to the twin Demons and Mister Demon Lord. Whether or not I believe this information is irrelevant,
all I know is that they know each other and are really strong.
Lastly, you have my Demon and Ventus's Demon fox chick.

they are in a relationship with Mister Demon Lord,
and they immediately go to hug him and kiss him.
Then we had to listen to Azura give some kind of lecture to Demons about the sin known as polygamy to which the male twin tells her to stop preaching to them and that they are Demons and that sin is kinda their thing.
Then Mister Demon Lord says that it's normal for male Demons to have more than one partner or mate as he calls it as if he's addressing himself as an animal. The ride back to London was just non-stop arguing between Azura and her Familiar,
where as everyone else made peace with their mew allies.
If Selena and Alexander are ok with having normal conversations,
then I don't see a problem,
I just have to look out for deals or being taken advantage of.

Once we were back at the London Branch,
we were given the ok to go home to our apartments,
so me,
Ventus, Azura,
Selena, Alexander,
and his squad,
walked across the street to our apartments.
Ventus said good night as him and his Familiar entered his room,
Azura walked up the steps with us, opened her door,
and then shut it on her Familiar, much to his anger and aggressive banging. "Hey yo, chill! You can crash in my room with my Familiar."
The Demon Lord looks slightly less irritated and follows us up the next floor where Selena enters her room with her Familiars.

I unlocked my door and welcomed both of them in my apartment/room and made up the couch so that they could sleep together.
Or at least that was the plan until my Familiar cast a rune on my wall to which I asked her what she was doing.
"I'm putting a Creation Rune on your wall to create a door, then I will use a Spacial Rune to create a portal to our home."
I reminded her she was under contract and that I wouldn't let them go back to the Bahamas.
"Young man, you couldn't stop us even if you tried, that and my boyfriend would ensure I got away. Honestly, you should be happy that I even agreed to become a servant. Otherwise, you'd be servantless."

I just stand there,
watching as she creates a door in my wall,
then puts another Rune on it,
twists the knob and a whole castle interior was on the inside!
My Familiar walks through the door, and I walk behind them,
just soaking in everything.
Jaw dropped and at a loss for words. "Well Master, this is our home, Esparta Manner. Come find us when you need us."
I nod.
The next day,
my father sent me a text saying he wanted to see me in his office,
so waking up, my Familiar will have to wait.

Once I made it to my dad's office,
I knew by his expression alone that he was pissed.
"Care to explain to me why you and Ventus had these in your apartment?" He pulls out the katanas that Lord Shimura gave us and puts them on his office desk top.
"I-." I tried to form a sentence only to be silenced.
"You what?! Disobeyed your father? Had Thanksgiving with those non-believers? Son, can't you see they are trying to brainwash you? They even made you summon Demons! I will admit we do utilize Demons, but we, the London Branch, made Tribunes and Legates summon Black Knights for our Black Knight program.
(Exorcist term for summoning and utilizing Demons) Son, did you and Ventus disobey me, or was it an order?"

I sighed and told the truth.
"It was an order, sir, just like everything else we've done."
My father relaxed a little but was still pissed.
"Those tyrants can have my job, but they will not have my son! I will bring you a better sword than this garbage."
I protest right as he picks them up only to be backhanded by his fist!
I stumbled back in shock as my own dad that I've loved since I was boy,
just hit me.
The pain began to rush in on my jaw as I held my cheek and then glared at my dad.
"S-Son..... I'm so sorry!"
He attempts to come around his desk and hug me,
but I shoved him away and into the wall, for this is not the father I loved anymore.

"This conversation is done here."
I slam the door on the way out,
block my dad's number,
and go home for some alone time before work.
Walking up the steps to the third floor,
I heard Selena talking to someone but didn't see anyone as she clothes the door behind her.
"What happened?"
Was all she said as I hastedly walked to my room.
"My father for protesting against him getting rid of the swords Shimura gave us."
I look at her so she can get a better look and then put my hand on my doorknob. "Why don't you leave your dad?"
I think about just entering my room and not saying anything,
but on the other hand,
she's being nice.
"I did, blocked his number and everything. I won't be talking to him as much as possible."

I opened my door and shut it behind me, sliding down to the floor with my back propped against the door and my feet spread out.
Tears began to fall down my face as I surpressed my urge to cry until Selena went down the stairs.
Once I couldn't detect her aura across the road,
the dam of emotions came bursting out as I had a good cry for several minutes before calming down.
Once I did, I tried to look presentable to my Familiar and picked up my helmet. I'll forge my own path away from the shadow my father casts down upon me.

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