Chapter 14: Servant No More

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Just as Azura had hoped,
the Demon did appear again,
stomping through the streets roaring here and there,
tail swishing and breaking houses and buildings.
Ventus, Yuzuhara,
and Zoey stop right beside Azura, looking at this behemoth of a beast as it somehow grew taller in just the span of a few hours.
What the heck did this thing eat to get so tall so fast?!
"Team, use your tacticals and gun that thing down, Ventus and his Familiar, use your speed and elements to weaken it, Terra, you'll be casting barriers to shield us from incoming hits. I leave whatever tactics on your Familiar to you. Got it?! Break!"
We scattered and did as commanded, flash banging the Demon,
or at least I hoped we did as the flash bang went up to its stomach before going off.

The Demon shields its eyes with one arm,
then spins and tail whips the buildings around us,
making me have to cast an abnormally bigger barrier as two buildings are going to collapse on top of us!
Zoey grabs the barrier,
Yuzuhara grabs Ventus,
and Seth reluctantly grabbed Azura.
All of us get dropped on a nearby roof where Azura told us to chuck our holy waters on its face as it passed by,
which didn't really help,
and all it did was cause mild burns to its reptile like face, and it peeled the skin off its face as the dead skin was smoking from the holy water!

Everyone pulls their guns out and unload full auto military grade assault rifels at the Demon,
but it didn't even acknowledge us as it started punching and kicking buildings! "Not working! Any other ideas?!"
Seth and Yuzuhara run off and start jumping from building to building until they land on its neck and start pounding away at its head.
I called apon Zoey to give me the attributes of her demon type,
and she raises her hand towards me,
a demonic rune being cast below her feet and under mine,
my arms now sprouting dragon like scales and wings shooting out of my back and uniform.
Ventus calls upon the speed of Yuzuhara, to which a magic looking circle appears above Ventus,
lowers down on him and gives him nine small fluffy fox tails and ears.
"Zoey! Fight, however you need to, just back us up!"

Ventus and I run off after the Demon, and Ventus uses wind magic to lift us up and throw us toward the Demon.
Both of us to sandwich the Demon,
and I slam my broadsword into the Demon's side just as Ventus kicks it, causing the Demon to be cut in half thanks to the buffs of our Familiars.
Yuzuhara and Seth jump off,
Seth landing on a building roof,
and Yuzuhara falling towards Ventus, grabbing him,
throws him to me,
then this bright burgandy flame ignites on the blade of her Odachi and she swings the flames off as they spread out diagonally in the air then form into this giant massive fireball that swallows up it's body except it's legs,
tail amd head before exploding! "AZURA!"

Ventus and I call out as she stabs the pavement and casts an anti-gravity spell around us,
slowing our fall to the ground.
We all look at the giant pieces of the Demon,
and it still somehow regenerates from just a head,
legs, and a tail!
"NEXT TIME AIM FOR THE HEAD!" Azura yells at Yuzuhara,
which was totally uncalled for.
Yuzuhara yells back as she leaps down from the building,
landing in front of Azura.

An argument occurs,
just as Ventus and I try to break up the argument,
and suddenly,
we hear a bunch of gunfire coming from the roof tops,
and we see Seth and Zoey firing into the air,
then pointing at the Demon who now has a reformed body,
it's spiney tail turning from bone white to bright neon blue as electricity starts popping!
Azura, Ventus,
and I cast a barrier simultaneously, Ventus casting the weakest barrier around us,
Azura casting a better barrier around Ventus's layer,
and I cast the strongest layer around theirs,
but the Demon's burst of electricity sends us all flying into a building and then rolling on the floor.

I barely managed to lift everyone up as my body hits it's limits and I could tell that Ventus and Azura weren't in any better shape.
"Azura, this is just a suggestion, but I think we should break the seals on our Familiars!"
I suggested in a hurry as the Demon is now on its feet and charging towards the building full sprint!
We all break out,
and our
Familiars struggle to fend it off as more buildings get destroyed,
as it punches,
breath attacks,
and tail slaps buildings!

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