Chapter 3: Three Steps Forward Two Steps Back

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(Artwork done by AI. It's Terra's ex AJ Carter)

Terra Woods POV:

The higher-ups come out of their office and begin to announce those who passed and those who failed.
I knew for sure that I was failing, making it my soon to be 4th year in a row that I've failed high school.
Azura and Ventus are having a conversation with other applicants while I have withdrawn into my own mind,
staring off into space,
thinking about how all these people here will soon be going on missions while I'll remain here,
shackled to the Academy.

I close my eyes,
and my imagination creates a library.
A perfect circular room with book shelves and multiple floors with multiple tables and chairs on each individual floor.
I open my eyes and take in the world of my creation,
the world that I've come to know as home.

My depression demon says as it manifests as myself with black hair and red eyes.
"Failed again, eh? I don't know why you even bother trying. You're just going to keep failing and keep disappointing our dad. Azura and Ventus are going to graduate, and I bet next year the new friends we make will graduate too. Doesn't it get exhausting keeping up your mask? Pretending to be fine. Pretending to not be hurting in silence. No one has really listened to us before, so who would start now? This is all so pointless! None of this has meaning, and you just act like this is normal! You listen to break up songs for fuck's sakes! Dad would be better off adopting a new son anyway, I mean, look at us. We're failures. And that whole savior of the world BS he spouted on about? Who gives a crap! If we're supposed to be some grandiose savior, I say we do the opposite and spit in destiny's face!"

I pass my depression demon and pull out a book from the library's shelf, sitting down and studying information at a table.
"You talk too much other me."
That only pisses off my dark half,
and he goes to pounce on me only for my real body to be shaken awake,
my perception of reality coming back to the gym.
"You alright?"
Ventus asks,
and I throw together my best happy face,
fooling him and Azura.
"Yeah, I'm fine, why?"
Azura and Ventus looked concerned,
and Azura reaches for my shoulder. "We've been calling your name for a minute."

She says as my shoulder relaxes to the sensitive touch of her fingers.
"I didn't sleep well is all, late night jitters and all."
Neither pressed further,
but Azura changed the topic ever so slightly.
"I'm sorry for making you cast the dark arts and for nearly decapitating you."
I look down at my knees as I have subconsciously brought them to my chest while we've been sitting on the floor talking.
"It's fine. Besides, I'm likely looking at failing for my 4th year in a row. I feel it."

Azura looks hurt by my statement, whereas Ventus looks more mad that I would think so negatively.
"Well, if you don't pass, then I guess I will have to hold myself back a year, too!"
Ventus says with conviction,
but I doubt they'd just let him repeat a year simply because of that.
My father says into the microphone, giving me and Ventus a disapproving look.

"Is there something more important than the announcement of all graduates? If so, please tell us all." Ventus stands up,
and Azura and I attempt to grab his hand and pull him back down,
but he pulls his arm away in time,
then puts both hands together around his mouth and yells.
"IF TERRA FAILS, THEN I'M REPEATING A GRADE TOO! YOU CAN'T FORCE ME TO ACCEPT MY GRADUATION! I REFUSE!" Azura and I facepalm while everyone else burst into laughter.
Dammit Ven!

I could die of embarrassment right now! I want to crawl into a hole in the wall and not be seen again for a while.
My father silences everyone while the higher-ups are glaring at my father's back.
"Yes, well, that won't be necessary as you, Terra, and Azura have passed."
I look up shocked by the sudden revelation,
and I think my heart skipped a few beats.
There is just no way I passed after casting Dark Magic.
Who are you,
and what have you done with my father?!
With the sudden revelation now gone, Ven sat back down,
and we listened to the rest of the graduates.

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