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After I had freshened myself up, Kazie laid out a few different outfits on my bed for me to choose from, he must have gone shopping while I was bathing. The idea of Kazie being sort of human— well a shapeshifter still baffled me. It would take me some time to adjust to the change, especially since he wasn't quiet. I wasn't sure if he would join us on our journey or not, but I didn't mind since he lightened up the mood more than I tried to.  One was a simple yet lovely white short dress with puffy sleeves. The main component that appealed to me was the pockets: great for hiding weapons. The other outfit wasn't a dress but a simple light green long-sleeve lace-up blouse with black pants. The weather was getting windy the more we travelled north so I agreed on the pants and blouse.  I stared at the two outfits before me and touched the blouse before I gazed back at the dress again. I was indecisive when it came to outfits. The dress would make me more feminine and pretty. Yet the two pieces were more practical, and they weren't bad either. I knew I had contemplated for a while when Zephyr wandered inside. He put his hands into his pockets and leaned against the wall. "I don't think you should be worrying about outfits right now" I scoffed at him and indicated dramatically toward the two clothing choices. "I know but if I'm going to kill monsters soon, I want to look powerful and pretty—" he cut me off. "Amelia. You don't need a special outfit to look 'pretty' He lowered his voice and hesitated as if he cringed at his line. "You already have the beauty."

I gaped at him like what he said came from my imagination which I was convinced it had.  He hadn't complimented me during the entire time I had spent with him. He ignored my presence entirely. I laughed nervously as I googled around the room to the ceiling. What a nice ceiling Kazie has. At this point my face was as red as an extraordinarily bad sunburn, I couldn't hide it. "Thank you" my voice broke. I attempted to play it off like it didn't mean anything, but Zephyr could tell I was embarrassed. He smiled.

I gaped at him like what he said came from my imagination which I was convinced it had. He hadn't complimented me during the entire time I had spent with him. He ignored my presence entirely. I laughed nervously as I googled around the room to the ceiling. What a nice ceiling Kazie has. At this point my face was as red as an extraordinarily bad sunburn, I couldn't hide it. "Thank you" my voice broke. I attempted to play it off like it didn't mean anything, but Zephyr could tell I was embarrassed. He smiled as he straightened himself and proceeded toward the exit. "Once you get dressed, I have someplace to take you too before we head off." My heart pounded from apprehension, I gleamed. "Where?" He signalled me away in dismissal and strolled out. "Secret." I quickly hurled on my blouse and pants before I caught up with Zephyr. I tapped him on the shoulder multiple times as we walked. "Tell me, surprises suck. You better not be leading me to my demise or something." He sighed heavily and pointed in front of him regarding our surroundings. "welcome to Kazie's Garden." To my absolute awe, before us was the most magnificent place I had ever seen in my entire life.

Infront of me there was a stone path that could pass as minor stairs which lead up a miniature hill. On the sides as I wandered up the steps there were rows and rows of bushes and flowers with vibrant colours: orange, pink, blue. The Light green was my particular favourite. It appeared like Zephyrs unnatural eyes. The main phenomenon from the garden was that at the very peak of the hill there was a Gazebo with a watermelon stone roof that contained lanterns which hung elegantly underneath. There were trees in the background which made me wonder how gigantic the garden actually was. My eyes lightened up the most they had before-- I teared up. I felt as if I was living my childhood dream; a wish I assumed would never come true. I knew Zephyr had taken me here because shortly enough this trip wouldn't be so impressive and great, but I appreciated his idea that I would need this for motivation. I was so astonished by the scenery that I lost my balance on the steps. Zephyr thankfully was behind me and captured me by the shoulders, he held me steady. He also hadn't expressed a word since we had entered like he was taking in the beauty of garden too. I spun around to examine his facial expression. I recognised that he was searching for my reaction, his eyes were gentle and soft, and he was cheerful. His winsome dimples displayed. He was almost like a changed person than he was almost two weeks ago. He appeared genuinely happier now and enjoyed how I welcomed nature almost like it was my home. I gazed into his eyes as I tried to decipher how he was feeling. I beamed at him with my teeth and laughed animatedly. His face flooded an intense pink, and he became stiff as he ogled at me, incapable to speak. He stammered. "Do—you like it?" It began to rain lightly which transformed into a shower. I peered up to the sky and nodded rapidly before I gripped to his hand. "It's gorgeous."

I lead Zephyr under the Gazebo, not realising that he had intertwined his fingers to mine and watched as the thin droplets fell to the ground. I never liked the rain. When I had no money Klaus and I had to sleep outside even if a storm occurred. It was freezing and unbearable, I tried my hardest to keep both of us alive on those types of days. But when you are not suffering in it, I understood that it's really quite wonderful and romantic. I under no circumstances had any relationships during my childhood or when it was just me and my brother. It was never a priority for me. I however, always imagined what one would feel like, I always daydreamed about having a knight or a prince who would protect me when I felt isolated, someone who would take care of me instead of being forced to take care of myself.

Even though this predicament with Klaus was my nightmare scenario I hadn't been spending my entire time closed off and freaking out because I wasn't on my own. I had people here to assist me and distract me from the reality of what was occurring. Instead of thinking that I would never see him again I believed that I would be capable to save him. I had the certainty that I never had before. I felt stronger. Zephyr squeezed at my hand, and I glanced at him. He seemed uneasy. "Are you alright?" he whispered gently close to my ear. I smiled softly. This calm side of him is something that would also take me a lot to get used too. I sensed like it would fade soon anyway. "I have never felt better." His face dropped into a stern expression, and he released my hand. I didn't suspect the change to be that soon, but okay. "Whatever happens from now on, I promise I will protect you. I won't let you die." My eyes shot completely open, and I focused to him. "You're coming with me?" He peered out at the clouded sky. "Yes... regrettably I am." I bounced at him and enclosed my arms around his body forcefully. He froze up again and gawked at me, he refused to embrace back. "Thank you!" He studied toward the floor uncomfortably. His glasses dropped, and he pressed them back up to his nose. "You deserve this".

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