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I looked around the corner so I could see the street. I've got to stay close to the houses, but I can't go around the back. Unfortunately it would take to much time with all the picket fences I'd have to climb over.

I took out my knife as I left my katana back inside. I need to move and be able to react fast. It wouldn't be good to use my katana for that.

I started walking forewards towards the street as I crouched down a bit. I peeked around the corner and noticed one of them standing a few feet away from me looking through the window to see inside. I quickly pulled my head back and got ready. Within a second, I turned the corner. I raised my knife and wanted to quickly sneak up on the person, but something snapped under my foot making to much noice. The person noticed me but instantly raies their gun at me.

My eyes widened and I wanted to get out the line of sight, but it didn't matter. I looked the person in their eyes and mine suddenly widened. "You're out here with a knife?!", Carol said as she lowered the scarf from her face. "I gave my gun to Carl and Enid so they could protect themselves", I said still being glad it was Carol I ran into. "Here", she said as she turned the gun around. But what about you?", I said as I took the gun from her hands. "I got more", she said as she pulled one from behind her back.

Ofcourse she does..

I checked the gun for the amount of bullets inside, but Carol suddenly spoke up. "Where are you going", she asked in a hurry. "I need to make sure Morgan's safe", I replied. Carol narrowed her eyes at me knowing this was the second time. "Hunter, who is that man to you?", she suddenly asked. I sighed not sure how to answer, but..

"He's my uncle", I spoke up looking at the ground. I could see Carols eyes widen in the corner of my eyes. "Why didn't you tell us?!", she whispered almost out of anger. "I don't know okey?", I replied almost returning her anger. Carol suddenly sighed. "Lets go", she said as she turned around and started walking.

I started following her being a bit in shock of her sudden reaction. "I'll get you close, but I'm not going inside. I'm gonna make sure I can safe as many people as possible". "Is that why you were looking through the windows?", I asked her. "Yes, I haven't found Rick yet, or Michonne, or Deanna, but they're gonna be fine. They have to be".

With that, we stopped speaking and made sure noone would sneak up on us. I looked around me, and Alexandria looked light a slaughterhouse. It was complete chaos, but it did quiet down a bit. I think most people are already dead..

"Go down there, make sure Morgans safe. The keys are on the outisde downstairs", Carol suddenly turned around to look at me. "You're gonna stay down there untill this is over, you hear me? I don't care how strong you think you are, we cannot loose you".

I let her words sink in, but I slowly nodded after. "I will", I replied.

"Go! I'll get you when this is all over".

I turned around and made my way down the stairs. It didn't take long before I hear voices voice from down there. I slowed my pace a bit to try and get as close as possible without getting noticed. I could hear Morgan, so I'm glad he's still alive. But I didn't recognize the other voice. I turned the corner as silently as possible and raised my gun to the back of the mans head pulling back the trigger. "Hunter don't!", Morgan suddenly said my way. I looked at him confused. The man raised his hands up. "He is one of them, they don't deserve to live", I replied now wanting to actually pull the trigger. "If you pull that trigger, you're just as bad as them!", Morgan almost shouted back. "You should listen to him", the man in front of me suddenly said sarcastically.

I kicked the back of his knees making him kneel to the ground keeping my gun pointed at his head. "Stay down", I said with a threathening voice as I looked around for the key. It didn't take me long to find them, and I walked towards them. I threw the keys towards Morgan. "Get yourself out of those cuffs and tie him to the bars", I said to Morgan clearly not agreeing with keeping him alive. "Thank you", Morgan said as he nodded.

Never alone Again (Carl Grimes X Male Reader Oc)Where stories live. Discover now