A new group

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I slowly open my eyes. My vision was blurry but it quickly faded away as my eyes were getting used to the light. As I tried to look around where I am, I slowly lift my body and feel a stinging pain in the left side off my stomach. I wanted to reach for my stomach but I got stopped by a pair off handcuffs on my right arm which chained me to the bed. I fell back on the bed and started to wait for the pain to soften. After a minute or so I lift up the covers, with my left hand, to see bandage all over my waist and a bit off blood where the pain was coming from. I remember now.. I got shot. How can I still be alive? Did they keep me alive? Why.. 

I looked at the door and saw it was open. Well it wasn't locked at least. What happened since I got shot? Someone walked past the the door. She had a sword on her back. Wait no, a katana, just like I have. As she walked past the door, she turned her head towards me and saw I was awake. The woman stopped moving and walked towards the door. "You're awake". She said as she looked me right in my eyes. I tried to sit straight up again, but forgot I couldn't because off the pain in my stomach. The woman saw this and quickly opened the door and walked, almost ran, towards me to help me. "You shouldn't move to much", the woman said with a caring tone in her voice, "It's what our doctor recommended for if you would wake up. That was if you woke up.". Because off the pain, I slowly lied back on the bed. Without saying anything, I looked at the hand cuffs that were strapped around my wrist and than back to the woman. The woman nodded and stood up. "I'm gonna have to get rick before I do that", The woman said. "Right, the man who shot me", I replied back looking away from her. I saw the woman looking at me for a few seconds before walking out off the cell. I let my head fall on the pillow and again had to wait out the pain for it to soften a bit.

After a few minutes I saw a man standing in the doorway. It was him.. Rick. I looked at him with a really angry face while now forcing myself to lift myself up and hold me with my arms behind my back. Rick took notice off the fact that I was pretty mad at him and tried to calm me down by saying something. "Thanks for saving my kid", he said with a one toned deep voice. I let out a small groan towards rick but it made the pain in my waist to much. I let myself fall down on the bed and helt my breath because the pain was agonizing. Suddenly an old man asked to let him through. Rick stepped aside and followed the man inside with his hand on his gun. "Let me take a look at your wound", the old man said. He must be their doctor. With an expression that I was in a lot off pain, I nodded yes to the old man. He's saved me once so I don't think he is going to hurt me now. I slowly let go off the wound with my left hand and gave the old man room to examine it. The old man pulled down the cover a bit to expose the bandage. He tried to lift it up to look at the wound. "Some off your stitches let loose. I'm gonna have to restitch it". Not knowing how much it would hurt, I nodded. The man looked at Rick to get his approval. Rick nodded and gave the old man the key to my the handcuffs. While the old man removed the handcuffs, he started ordering people around. "Maggie, get me the stuff I need from my cell and Michonne, help me get him up so I can remove his bandage". The woman put her sword away and kneels down next to the bed. Michonne put her hands on my shoulder and on my back to help me sit straight up. As I sat straight up, the old man tried to remove my bandage. As I tried to open my eyes through the pain, I saw that some more people came to look at what was happening, but my eyes met a kid's with a sheriff's head standing in the doorway. It was that stupid kid that screwed up my plan to get out off here. Not knowing why he was here as well, I saw the guilt in his eyes. 

"Lay him down on his back again", The old man said to Michonne. As Michonne slowly laid me on my back again, Maggie came in with the stuff the old man needed. As the old man prepared everything he looked at me. "Are you okay?", He asked me on which I replied that I was fine. I didn't want to look at what was happening so I just looked up to the ceiling. As I felt the man's hands around my wound, I started holding my breath out off pain. "We have a problem", The man said as he looked at Rick, "The stitches didn't let loose on it's own. There is still a bullet fragment inside. I can feel it. we need to get it out or the wound will get infected". Suddenly rick spoke up. "Everyone, get out. Maggie, Stay and help Hershel", he said. As everyone walked away from the cell and from the door, Hershel looked at me. "We don't have any narcotics, but we have to do this. This could turn out really bad otherwise", He said with a concerning tone in his voice. "Just do it", I said as I looked back at Hershel. Hershel nodded. "Maggie is going to try and hold you as still as possible", Hershel said to me. I didn't reply and just stared at the ceiling again, because I knew this was going to hurt a lot. Hershel first tried to remove the stitches. It didn't take him that long. Even tho it hurt like hell, it was only the beginning. "I am now going to try and get the last bullet fragment out", Hershel said. I grabbed the left and the right side of the mattress with my hands to prepare myself for the pain. As Hershel tried his best to do it as fast as possible, I squeezed as hard as I possibly could while holding my breath because off the pain. "How are you doing Hunter", Hershel said with a load and concerning voice. "Couldn't be better", I said with my teeth closed. "That's good because I have it. All I have to do is stitch you up again and you are good to go", Hershel replied back. I look Hershel's way and I see him grab a needle with a small wire attached to it. Maggie let go off me and stepped away so Hershel could finish. 

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