He's gone..

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I threw a ball to the other side off the front yard. Aidez immediately ran after it and tried to fetch it. We were back at the prison again. Carl is getting checked by Hershel right now.. Luckily it wasn't that bad. Luckily I was able to stop them before things got worse. Aidez came back with the ball and laid it in front of me. I looked at Aidez and he suddenly barked. I looked at him confused but I just bowed down to try and grab the ball. Aidez beat me to it and threw the ball away himself. He suddenly barked again and jump against me. I held his two paws. "What's up boy?", I said. He pushed me back.I tripped and fell on the ground. As I was sitting on the ground, Aidez walked towards my face and started liking it. He knows I don't like it, but he always does that to cheer me up because I always gain a smile on my face. "Are you trying to cheer me up? Is that it?", I said to Aidez. He starts waving his tale from left to right. "You've always been the best I've ever had, You know that right?" I said as went from a sitting position to a laying down position. Aidez walked to next to my head and barked once more. I gained an even bigger smile on my face now seeing a dogs snout right 2 inches away from me. I scratch Aidez behind his right ear and without a warning he lets himself fall on his right side. I lay on my side and look at Aidez. "You've made a lot off new friends here, haven't you?", I said to Aidez. He didn't move and just enjoyed me still scratching behind his ear. "Hey Hunter", I heard Rick say. As I stood up, Aidez did the same. With Aidez being just careful, He stood in front off me. Rick and I saw this. I again gained a small smile on my face. "It's okay boy", I said to Aidez. Aidez looked at me and I nodded. He turned around and laid down beside me. "You really have a connection with your dog don't you?", Rick said. "You have no idea how glad I am that we found each other again", I replied back. Rick smiled a bit. "I want to thank you for saving the others.. Killing people is never an easy thing to do", He said. I looked down at the ground. "I wasn't going to let anything else happen to Carl", I replied to Rick while balling up my fists. Aidez saw me feeling down again so he wanted to stand up. "I'm fine Aidez", I said to him with now a small smile on my face again. "I actually came here to tell you that Carl wanted to see you", Rick said, "Hershel said that he should stay in bed and rest for the day". I nodded. "Sure, I'll drop by when I'm inside", I said back. Rick turned around and walked back. I looked back at Aidez, who was now hopefully waiting for me to throw the ball while holding it in his mouth. I took it from him and threw the ball again. Aidez ran after the ball with every bit off speed he had in him. "Such a stupid dog. I love him so much", I said to myself while softly laughing.

"Hey", I said to Carl as I stood in front off Rick and his cell, "how are you doing?". Carl was lying on his bed. A smile appeared on his face as he tried to sit straight up. "I'm fine", Carl said, "Hershel said that I just needed some rest". "That's great", I said as I walked further into his cell. Aidez followed me inside and walked towards the bed as well. I sat down on the other side off his bed and put my hands on the covers where his feet were. Aidez looked at me to look for approval. I knew exactly what he ment. "Do you mind?", I said to Carl as Aidez looked at him. Carl looks at Aidez, then back at me. "What do you mean?", Carl replied back. I looked at Aidez and nodded in approval. His tail started waving from left to right. He slowly jumped on the bed and rested his head on Carl's stomach. Carl's smile grew even bigger than it already was. "You two have such a weird bond", Carl said to me. I gained a smile on my face as well. "He really likes you, you know that?", I said back to Carl. "Apparently", Carl said as he started to pet Aidez's head. I watch Carl pet Aidez for around 10 second. It was a really great sight which made me gain a smile on my face. Nothing has made me happy like this since a long while. I freed myself from my thoughts. "Why'd you want to see me? Rick asked me to come", I asked Carl. Carl stopped petting Aidez and looked at me. "I uh..", Carl said as he looked down again, "I wanted to thank you properly for what happened today. I.. I don't think we would have made it without you..". Carl looked back at me to see what reaction I was going to give. Aidez lifted his head and looked my way. "Carl I..", I started but Carl stopped me. "Please Hunter.. You are always so negative about yourself. Just this once let me thank you..", Carl said. After a few seconds, I sighed and bowed down my head while nodding yes. Aidez laid his head back on Carl's lap. I didn't really know what to say next so we were quiet for a few seconds. Something suddenly came up. He took my hand in the car.. Why did he do that.. I didn't want Aidez in the cell when I was going to ask Carl that question. "Aidez, kan je buiten de kamer wachten?", I said as Carl looked at me with a confused face. Aidez stood up and walked to the door and walked out. "Did you teach your dog Dutch?", Carl said. "Not really, I raised him Dutch and he learned to respond to English as well", I replied back to Carl. "damn... You've got a really smart dog. Can I ask what you said to Aidez?", Carl asked. I decided to ignore his question and just ask mine. "Why'd you take my hand on the way back?", Carl's facial expression immediately changed. His smile disappeared and his cheeks turned a bit red. I don't think he wanted to look at me because he looked down to his bed. "I.. uhh..", Carl started to stutter but I really wanted to know the answer so I didn't stop him. Carl suddenly calmed down a bit and looked more confident. He looked up towards me. "Hunter.. I..", He started still not being able to say what he wanted to say. He let out a deep sigh. "I don't know what it is or how to deal with it but.. When Daryl brought you here, the first time I saw you.. there was something about you.. a.. and today when you saved me and when you put your fingers next to my black eye.. this feeling I had for you became only stronger..", Carl said while trying to sound as confident as possible. I knew what was coming and I didn't know if I liked it. Carl came closer and closer to finishing what he wanted to say and I just wanted to stand up and walk out but I couldn't move. Carl suddenly gained an angry but hopeful tone in his voice. "But I saw it in your eyes to. It was there.. I just know it! Hunter.. I think I.. Li", Carl wanted to finish his sentence but we got caught off guard by an immense explosion sound. It was loud and the ground started shaking.

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