❨ 🌙 ❩ ⵌ ❝ INTERIM 1.5 ! ❞ ⟡

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Ginnungagap the Yawning Void
1st of February 2018
23:30 PM

Galateya stumbled, her body colliding against the Wendigo's solid form as they navigated the chaos together

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Galateya stumbled, her body colliding against the Wendigo's solid form as they navigated the chaos together. The tinkling sound of shattered glass echoed through the air as he enfolded her in his powerful embrace, shielding her from the deadly shards with his own body. His claws dug into her clothes, anchoring her securely against him as they pressed on, their movements fluid and precise amidst the chaos. As they darted from cabin to cabin, the train shuddered and groaned beneath the onslaught of debris and rubble raining down upon it. Carts were smashed to splinters, engulfed in flames that cast dancing shadows across the darkness of the abyss. She could feel the heat of the inferno licking at her skin, mingling with the icy chill of the frigid air that swept in through the shattered windows.

The clash of titanic forces reverberated through the very fabric of their surroundings, each thunderous impact sending shockwaves rippling through the air. The acrid scent of smoke and burning embers filled their nostrils, a stark reminder of the destruction unfolding around them. Yet, despite the chaos and danger that surrounded them, the Wendigo remained steadfast, his unwavering resolve guiding them through the turmoil as they pressed onward, determined to escape the fury of the battle raging outside. His demeanor eerily composed amidst the swirling tempest of destruction. His stoic facade betrayed no hint of fear or panic, as if he were a harbinger of calamity itself, accustomed to the turmoil that unfolded around them. With each stride, his presence radiated an unsettling calm, a stark contrast to the mayhem that threatened to consume them both.

Together, they navigated the labyrinthine corridors of the train, their footsteps reverberating against the metal floor like a haunting dirge. The cacophony of destruction echoed through the narrow passageways, a symphony of chaos that served as the backdrop to their desperate flight. Despite the urgency of their escape, the Wendigo's low purr persisted, a primal rumble that resonated deep within Galateya's chest, both soothing and disconcerting in equal measure.

As they pressed onward, the destruction intensified, each shattered window and splintered cabin bearing witness to the ferocity of the forces at play. Yet, the shrouded humanoid remained resolute, the Wendigo's grip on her unwavering as they dodged the falling debris and navigated the treacherous terrain. His guidance was unwavering, his instincts honed by centuries of survival in the face of adversity. With each passing moment, their surroundings grew increasingly bleak, the air thick with the acrid scent of burning metal and the bitter chill of impending doom.

Galateya's voice quivered with urgency, a sharp contrast to the chaos unfolding around them. She struggled to match the Wendigo's brisk pace as he navigated through the crumbling train, his powerful strides dragging her along like a rag doll in the grip of a tempest. Debris cascaded down from the ceiling, each impact sending shockwaves reverberating through the carriage, threatening to engulf them in a storm of destruction. "The train is coming apart at the seams!" she shouted, her words drowned out by the deafening roar of collapsing metal. "How are we supposed to reach Asherah's sanctuary if we cannot even make it to the next stop?"

❝ . . . 𝐎𝐅𝐅 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐑𝐀𝐈𝐋𝐒 ! ⵌOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant