Maa Jaanaki

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Hari and Lakshmi sat on Ananta Sesha, surrounded by the dwellers of Vaikuntha because they were all speaking about something that was very close to them all. The Sita-Rama avataras of Lakshmi and Vishnu.

Narada was also there, filled with immense joy at the idea of recalling the Katha of SitaRama in front of Shri and Hari themselves. He was also elated to be doing so with those who had been their family on earth at that time too.

But, that didn't take away his mischievous nature. "Prabhu, you did a lot of wonderful things as Rama, but really, you did nothing."

Hari, who was sitting cross-legged, straightened, and raised his brows questioningly.

"Devarshi, pulling his leg is okay but this is a complete lie now." Panchajanya came up to support Narayana, as always.

Narada shook his head dramatically and Lakshmi laughed, head tilted in amusement.

"Elaborate, O Wise Sage!" Vishnu asked with his signature glint of mischief, hand stretched towards Narada.

"Your devotees follow you." said Lakshmi. "You behave like this and then wonder why your Bhaktas are teasing you."

"Manollaasini, you know I don't mind their teasing. Plus, Narada teases me enough for me to become more mischievous, learning from him!" Hari said, shrugging.

Narada narrowed his eyes. "We all know that's impossible. But, Bhagavan, you asked me to 'elaborate', right? It wasn't you that did things to make you great. I could go on and on until the end of the universe, elaborating on the one who did, but I'm sure you know the answer already."

Vishnu, still quite stuck in his character of Rama who loved to pretend like he was innocent, blinked cluelessly at his dear Bhakta. "Well, I don't know!"

"Ah, yes." Sesha spoke up. "Just like his 'atmanam Dasharathatmajam manye' and 'Oh I can't be Hari, you Devatas must be mistaken, I'm just Kaushalyasuta!' and all that. Goodness. Such a brilliant actor!"

"You're definitely going to be my elder brother next time with all that annoyance you are expressing-"

"Yes, I will be, thank you very much."

"Prabhu, come on. Don't you know? Who drove you to the position of the greatest? Stop with the acting now-"

"I want you to explain, Brahmasuta!"

Narada rolled his eyes. "You only reached your greatness because you held the hand of my Ma Janaki."

Lakshmi chuckled in amazement at the extra sense of authority with which Narada had said "My Ma Janaki." Vishnu looked at her with a fond smile adorning his chandraanana, his full moon like face.

"That day, if she hadn't put the varamala around you, would you be anything that Rama now is?"

"Who else would I put the varamalika around, Narada?" she asked, her lotus eyes crinkling as she smiled.

"Ma, without you, Prabhu has no purpose. He has nothing. He doesn't have his Shakti. Tell me, was it not you that did the Dharmasamsthapana? You act just as much as your Prananayaka! Even more than him sometimes."

Lakshmi chose to simply laugh some more and look at Hari to see what he would come up with.

"Even the next event of the rest of you all getting married wouldn't have happened if, that day, Prabhu hadn't received the Varamalika from Ma's auspicious hands. Think about it." He turned to his Ma. "And look at the smile on her face. And on his. They both play these games as knowingly as they can. Look who acts the most!"

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