Grandeur? (Lakshu Birthday!)

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At night, after Rama's birthday dinner in the fancy arrangements made by Sita and Lakshmana in the middle of the forest, Rama sat inside their hut with Sita.

He had his head hung down with disappointment evident in his demeanour. Sita had expected this. "His Nakshatra is tomorrow. I didn't even remember. After everything he does for me, I couldn't even pay attention enough to remember his birthday."

Sita placed her hand on his, which was tightly clenching a part of the wooden stool he was seated on. "But you've realised now."

"After he told me it was my birthday today? Yeah, if I didn't realise even then, that would just be plain dumb."

"No, but you didn't remember your birthday-"

"That's fine. But it's not okay to forget his."

Sita took his hand in hers. "How's your sulking helping?" she asked, looking at his sad eyes. He shook his head. "Exactly. It's not helping. What will help is if we try to make his celebration special this time too."

Rama nodded. "We're both cooking for him. Apart from that?"

Sita's eyes lit up. "You remember when he saw one plant and said he was sure Urmi would love those flowers? " Rama nodded, eyes wide in anticipation. "I got a sapling of that and put it separately. I know he isn't crazy sentimental but it's Urmi and flowers and he does like plants more than he likes most other things in the world." She shrugged. "What do you think?"

Rama chuckled. "It's a cute idea. But what else? Um, something grand."

"We'll make a whole lot of good food. I mean, it is one of his favourite things!"

Rama's smile took on a sad look. "He doesn't even eat properly half the time."

Sita looked down. "You know what? I think he needs something much greater in grandeur in terms of love. You and I might enjoy the dramatic celebrations. We were raised to have the most exrravagant celebrations, even if all we wanted was to celebrate our siblings. Laksh has always preferred different celebrations, hasn't he? Maybe he loved the physical grandeur too, as a child, but now I don't think he wishes for it. His birthday should make him happy in the ways that fit him."

"You're right." he said. "Food still fits in there. I planned on gifting him a sheath for his smallest dagger. He loves that one so much, and he's had it so long, I know the size of it by heart. I can make one for him right now."

Sita smiled. "Let's do it then. But what about the grandeur?"

Rama chuckled with a hint of sadness that didn't ever seem to leave. "I'll take care of that."


The next day, Rama walked out of their cottage as soon as the first ray of sunlight hit them. Sita was fast asleep still, but he'd not got much sleep at all. He still couldn't believe that he had forgotten his dearest Laksh's birthday. He felt horrible about it.

As soon as he stepped out, he saw his brother watering the plants around their hut like he hadn't just spent the entire night staying up to guard the couple in the forest. Rama would never understand how a human could do all that.

He smiled a little and tiptoed his way to his brother and grabbed him in an embrace from behind. "Happy birthday to youuu!" he sang to him, voice still soft.

Lakshmana grinned and turned around to face Rama. "Thank you Bhaiya." he said, even more softly. His Bhaiya took the pot of water from his hands and dragged him to a place where they could sit and talk to each other.

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