Bharata Sama Bhai

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A/N: Aaru's little Anjaneya part in her last chapter of Dasharathnandans is the reason I wrote this chapter. The Hanuman Chalisa's most beautiful line (in my view, of course), "Tum mama priya Bharat sama bhai" is what this chapter is about, essentially, so I guess this gives you a little sneakpeak? Honestly, that title is ridiculous in my opinion, so please give me better ideas? Pwease?

Also, the format is slightly different from my regular one. It starts with the actual 'present' before going into a few flashbacks, and there are flashbacks in the flashbacks, and then we come back to the actual 'present' once again. Makes sense? I hope it does 😅

Okay enjoy!


"You met Bharat, Hanumanji?"

Lakshmana smiled at just the thought. Anjaneya nodded casually. "Yeah, Laksh Bhaiya. On the way back here."

Rama, who had been at a very vulnerable position for a couple of hours now, couldn't quite decipher that little smile on his brother's face. "What exactly are you smiling for, Laksh?"

Lakshmana looked at Anjaneya. "Two of the most humble, most determined, most kind, soft-spoken, affectionate, righteous, sweet, patient, tolerant, never-angry - I don't know how - people meeting each other and having a first conversation. I'm so sad I missed witnessing it."

Anjaneya was looking down, shaking his head and feeling extremely abashed about those adjectives that had been associated with him. But he couldn't deny, that was exactly what he had made of Bharata in that small conversation of theirs.

"Oh, and let's not forget their devotion."

Rama smiled sadly, tearing up, as he thought of the tremendous number of times he had drawn that parallel in his mind. Hanuman had reminded him of Bharata all the time. While he thought that the comfort of having a friend so similar to his beloved brother would help, he only found himself in tears often, whenever he saw a little bit of Bharata in Anjaneya.

It hurt when he was reminded that he hadn't felt that soothing, loving embrace of his brother in fourteen years. It hurt when he recollected that his brother would be cursing himself for something that wasn't even remotely his fault. But what could he do but wallow in beautiful memories, only to have all of it shattered just a few moments after?


(At Kishkindha a few months back, more than the four months of monsoon after Sugreeva's crowning as King completed.)

Rama stood at the mouth of the cave, leaning against the cold stone that it was made of. He looked up at the sky forlornly, as if asking, "Rain?"
There wasn't a single sign of it. It had been about two weeks, and it hadn't rained a single day.

In fact, the weather was starting to transition into a summery one. Clear, blue skies with barely any clouds, the sun shining bright. The heat was scorching, and still, Sugreeva seemed to be waiting for monsoon to "end".

Rama was genuinely hurt and very disappointed, but he decided to give the Vanara King some more time. His brother kept telling him that he was being unreasonably tolerant, but in his opinion, Sugreeva knew the place much better. Perhaps these breaks did happen, and monsoon resumed soon after. But even he didn't seem convinced by his own reasoning.

Rama's unbelievably long chain of thoughts came to an end when he saw the ever-splendorous Anjaneya walking towards him. He greeted him with a rather tired smile when Anjaneya bowed his head and folded his hands. "What's with the monsoon here, Anjaneya?" he asked, trying to chuckle and make it sound like he wasn't very disappointed.

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