(Short) Rama - feat. those strings of pearl

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Rama. Rama. Rama.

It was something about pearls that suited him more than anybody else. It never otherwise stood out the way it did when it adorned Rama. Perhaps it was the joy he radiated that made them shine like tiny moons dangling from his ornaments.

They didn't often come together to make up his necklaces, but his earrings were often just a couple of them on each. Small, anything but extravagant, but still, as regal as it could get. The subtlety made it as good as it was, just like Rama's simplicity made him the man he was.

Pearls didn't look that good on anyone else. The way they dangled from his ears, short and simple, but dancing and swaying every time he took another of his elegant steps, or when he spoke, full of emotion. Or when he listened, nodding to acknowledge others, or when he laughed.

His laughter would remain in one's ears for that life and much longer. It was just so enchanting. So endearing.

His lotus eyes would crinkle, the twinkle in his eyes getting accentuated, and his earrings would shake ever so slightly. As slight as it was, it just looked so adorable. He looked like a child when he laughed.

He loved those pearls himself too. They were his unstated favourites for jewelry. He had even got a little pearl charm to the top of his bow and it just took the look of it to the next level. That bow was Rama's first love, and he loved decking it up with arrows. But this ornament, for real an ornament, made it look so adorable.

It was almost unnoticed at all times, but since Rama knew it was there, and it wasn't interfering with his work while shooting, he loved its existence. It was an endearing break from the potential bloodshed his bow and arrows could cause, and it would just remind him of home and comfort even when he was miles away from it.

It did for fourteen years.

It made him smile. His bow (and arrows) was perhaps his only material possession that was so cherished, one that he couldn't imagine his life without. Seeing it with a hint of home, those pearls reminding him of his simple royalty, when he so desperately yearned for that comfort, sometimes helped.

What they also helped in was making Raja Rama's crown look like it was the best in the universe.

Dangling in the left side of the gold, jewel-decked crown was a short chain of three little pearls, and one bigger one at the end. Its twin hung just beside it, connected to the same string as it stuck to the crown.

Every time the king nodded, it would dance, falling onto his forehead and adding to his literally endless charm. It was as if it giggled along every time Rama laughed, and swivelled and frolicked every time he spoke with his usual amount of animation and head shaking.

It was not like Rama needed anything to make him any more of a Manohara than he already was. But this addition was always going to be worth it.


A/N: Just me writing and entire chapter (well, short) about Rama and PEARLS (apparently) after collapsing from reading that extreeeemely E.N.D.E.A.R.I.N.G description of Rama in Mochi's last chapter. I just wrote this chapter NOW. Impromptu. I LOVE IT.

Rama is just so charming, man, I cannot. Mochis4lifeq52627
Is this considered a collab? 😂 I'm just doing it at my own will at this point. Your writing literally fuels me, and this is PROOF.

I've no idea what I've written in this piece. But I think it's good.

Anyhow, no one wants longer a/n than chapter. So. Thanks for reading! Byebdbrkahdbksjshdb! 💖😁

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