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the sky was so clear today
no stars, just pure indigo paint
splashed across a white canvas
of paper and clay

the streets were devoid
of people wanted to avoid
amidst the buildings and structures
of bricks, wood and adventures

the sounds were so empty too
no voices, melody nor tunes to
mask the chaos brewing deep
within a body of unhinged sorrow
and anger, the fire that seep
into the hollows of a single heart

a drop landed on the palm of a hand

the sky was not crying
so was the streets, their surfaces blank
silence filled the hidden tension
hung around the atmosphere like
a curtain draped over a plank

something was forgotten

another drop, salty water starts to
pours from the depths of the soul

one by one they fall onto the palms
of the pale hands wishing to catch every
single droplet of water, moving shakily,
wishing to not make a mess of the clothes
worn on the bony limbs and brunette hair
tied behind the broad shoulders
"they won't stop falling...damn it,
now my shirt is drenched."

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