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Walking in and out of dream states is no big feat, to be a ghost one moment and return back to your heavy-ass blood-pumping vessel which breaks down after a minute little touch. Wait, how can this phenomenon even be trusted to begin with?

Wishing upon a non existent star, I wonder what it'll be like to be gazed from afar
Never ending parallel lines...but at least they are better than perpendicular ones
Meeting once, have a great time, memories and promises made left and right
but when the bond breaks, they are separated
poof vanished into the light

To be honest this life is a bitch to throw mindless humans into the ditch called the world, but what world would it be with the sufferings and broken hearts
Especially ones longing in the performing arts
(pretty much was talking about me dammit)

Experience this trash, this may sound rash
without the fear of losing things or someone
that means so much to you, you'd probably collapse in their absence
Maybe you wouldn't, but the missing piece of the puzzle shall forever be buried into sand
or sailed away into Neverland...

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