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When people find one another again
A long distance relationship
A long lost friend
Something that was precious in one's eye
Once was lost and found again
A happy it?

It is not only between two humans,
two animals, two fated souls;
A cursed entity that endangers others
when provoked yet it protects the one that it was supposed to save

A suffering and a suffered;
rather it's supposedly the "suffering"
To the ones not going through the suffering,
they do not see how much the suffered gained
from the one and only suffering that stayed with them when no one else could see it
Yeah, it's a wordy bunch

Once, the suffering was chased away
That once, everything was fine
No more suffering, none is the suffered
All will be well

no it's not

The suffered missed the suffering
so the search begins to get back the feeling
that coated them in warmth, the flickering
light of a candle in the stoic cold
To others that don't see, the suffered is doomed
but maybe, they were meant to be

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