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yeah what
what's what?
you don't know what?
It's something
yeah I know

why is it a what when nothing's a what
are you confused?
perhaps so, I think of something when
what is mentioned
so what is what?

It's a mention, a sentence, a word we use
so frequently it has become the norm
To answer, say what
To ask, what goes the same
To create a picture and entertain,
just scream WHATTTT

Have you ever thought that you're not a
who, where, when, why , how,
but you're a what?
Made of matter we are, and matter's not a who
It's a what
What's the matter?
We are that matter, stupid
Oh, right

It's strange to think that way to be honest,
we are not a person, rather we are objects
Objects that move? That's cool
Huh, if you say so
Maybe we are items that have feelings, emotions, to feel the world, to see how other objects are used and created and damaged
If that's cool, I don't know what to say
Yeah what
The truth is what it is

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