Star Training

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A/n: Happy mothers day to all you wonderful mothers out there!


Y/n had fled the cave quickly, keeping in mind not to use their eliatrope powers as they try to find where Eve will meet them at, while being well aware that Adamai and Yugo are fighting...for some reason. Y/n suddenly feels a tug on their gut and follows it, finding a cave that seemingly just appeared, and without hesitation, they enter it, being careful of the gaping hole in the middle, but then get blinded by a flash of light.

Astoss, chuckling: Uncover your eyes, little general. It's me, your best fr-

Y/n opens their eyes and points at him, cutting off his sentence.

Y/n: It's you! You're Astoss! The one me and Rubi met!

Astoss sighs and nods.

Astoss: correct, I am...this cave will be where you will be training. Yugo and Adamai cannot enter here, but they can wait outside until training is done, are you ready?

Y/n, nodding: as i'll ever you know about Eve?

Astoss, nodding: we were friends and close. I was the only one to defend their case after they left because no one else was aware of the scenario...I did end up winning, but I was forced to fall. I see you didn't use your powers, that's good...but now we need to talk to Eve, so we have to go back into your mind. But don't worry, it'll be easier this time.

Astoss sits down and Y/n sits down as well. Y/n suddenly feels drowsy and passes out, the last thing they see is stars surrounding the cave. They suddenly wake up in their mindscape, looking around, and then spotting Eve and Astoss hugging. Y/n isn't sure if they should intervene or not.

Eve, chuckling: you're fine kiddo...but we need to do one thing before we start training completely. You know your wakfu vision?

Y/n nods as Astoss lets go of the hug. Eve walks over to a sitting Y/n and sits in front of them while Astoss watches.

Eve: it's similar to that, but it'll let you see on a much broader scale. Instead of seeing wakfu as energy, you'll see a purple energy with lights in it, that is stars. Stars are everywhere, but mostly remain in the sky. You can use this to your advantage. Once you learn star sight, you'll be able to use the stars as extensions of your sight, being able to see from an arial view...and yes the sun is a star, so you can use it as well.

Y/n closes their mouth, their question having been answered. Astoss walks over and sits next to the two stars.

Astoss: us stars don't change, so the fact that you did is a surprise. We are usually start out as a stellar nebula, because that is the place where all stars are born, and then become either a massive star or an average star....You two were an average star, but you changed when you 'fell', becoming a red giant, but when you chose to reincarnate with Yugo and Adamai, you became a planetary nebula, and you are currently still that.

Y/n blinks in confusion, those words going completely over their head. Eve sighs and rubs a hand over her face.

Eve: alright, let's simplify this...Stellar Nebula is our 'baby' stage but it is also a daycare for us as we's like a toddler learning to do things.

Y/n nods, still trying to understand. Suddenly, the sky flares white, purple, and blue. Astoss sighs.

Astoss: your boyfriends are trying to get in here to reach you, but me and Eve's power is keeping them out, but also warming them up because there is still a blizzard out-

Y/n: thank you-

Astoss nods and Eve goes back to explaining.

Eve: us being an Average Star or a Massive Star is us at adult form...but no one has become a red giant before, so me and Astoss current theory is that because I fell down willingly, my power didn't have an outlet, so it just grew and got 'hotter'...but when we chose to reincarnate with Yugo and Adamai, our power had suddenly had an outlet and exploded outwards, much like how a star does when they die, but instead of us dying, we lived and became stronger because of it because our new powers and old powers combined, understand?

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