Chapter 11- Sorrow soaked sleeves.

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2nd of November..

Red didn't take Layla's offer, or any of the other pitiful offers from Lilith, Ash and Elio. She didn't take the offers because she disappeared.

Lilith woke up this morning, to Red's bed empty, and all the rings to her phone were straight to voicemail. Lilith ran straight to the boys' apartment and they tried calling but still no answer.

They figured to trust her to show back up, she had seemed woozy the night before but nothing more and the car wasn't there, they all assumed she had maybe impulsively decided to go to her mother's.

And so she had. She is just five minutes away from it and the realisation of it all hasn't hit yet.

Red went this morning because she woke up from a dream, a dream where there was a distorted image of her mum speaking to her, nonsense really. But, Red couldn't help but fear the idea that she was starting to forget her face, and that was the last she had of her.

So, now she's nearly there.

The drive there had been smooth, a coffee and the window rolled down for the consistent flow of cigarettes to be consumed. Red has had her music pounding into her ears the entire drive, and her phone's notifications completely shut off.

She hasn't stopped for anything, no food, no pedestrians, no cars. It's just been her, and her eyes locked on the road.

As she starts to near and the five minutes turn to one minute, she starts to see how this posh and rich estate she's been driving in is actually the location. She expected her mother to live in a council house, nothing like this house she's pulling up to.

She squeezes her eyes shut, eyeing the house number with a gate in front, her eyebrows knit in further confusion, she's rich?

Her heart drops and the lump in her throat shows, her hand to her throat as though to loosen it up, she twists at it but she feels her body shiver before she swiftly opens the door, adrenaline taking over as she slams it and locks it.

She starts toward the gate, the rain slowly spitting against her face before she pulls her hoodie over her head.

Her eyes flick across all the buttons near the gate, before pretending the ring button.

Her heart thrashes itself apart, as she crosses her arms to her chest, the leather tightening with the rain.

After some silence, Red hears a door opening as sudden quick footsteps near before a great dane comes up against the gate, stretching tall and Red flinches away, he barks in her face as she stays still, watching him in utter silence.

Out of a sudden, a girl in her tweens comes out, with green eyes as she runs towards the dog in giggles, "Come on, Pluto. Stop scaring strangers." She demands before she looks up at Red over the fence, and Red's jaw quivers, wanting to believe that this is the wrong house is impossible when her eyes are just as green as the ones Red can recall her mother had.

The girl holds a strong gaze with Red's expression as she attempts to keep the dog in check before clinking heels begin to near on the wet cobbled floor, Red's eyeline shifts to the woman who appears, her eyes fixated on her daughter and dog.

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