Chapter 7- Is this our fate?

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Somewhere on the 19th of October..

Red finds herself in front of Elio and Ashton's front door, banging endlessly until it is opened by the one and only Elio.

"Thank fuck-" Red cusses irritably as she welcomes herself in, Elio stepping back cluelessly, his eyes fixated on the deeply drained expression across Red's features, from her dark circles to her bloodshot eyes.

Red slams the door shut and begins towards the living room, a book clutched in one hand and her phone in another when she passes Ashton, blocking his view of the TV.

"Yep, just do that-" Ashton sighs, his annoyance so apparent he doesn't even notice Red sliding the balcony door open with a joint pressed between her lips until he smells it, his head snaps to the scene of Red so comfortably lying down on their couch outside, smoking away and the book in her hand.

He turns back to Elio, who's now watching the TV beside the couch, just standing up as if he doesn't want to give Ashton the satisfaction of sitting down and admitting that he enjoys the film.

Elio's eyes meet Ashton's browns before his shoulders bounce up, referring to Red's sudden appearance in their apartment when her own is just across from theirs.

So, Ashton gets to his feet, striding towards his balcony, standing beside her and she doesn't even butch.

He crosses his arms in anticipation before a deep sigh escapes his lips, Red drops her books at that.

"Lilith won't give me a second of peace, she keeps saying how concerned she is and that I need to be medicated when I'm not even slightly ill so Ashton please spare me whatever lecture you are about to come up with-" Red pauses and it's though she feels Elio's lips part from a distance, "-Elio you too!" She exclaims.

Ashton feels his eyebrows narrow in frustration at how stubborn she can get, "I was actually just going to ask if you wanted to join me at your favourite club. Just me, you, Elio, and Lilith if she cares to join." He chuckles at the excitement filling Red's dark eyes as she sits up, nodding hysterically as she separates the joint from her lips and docks it out in the ashtray beside her.

She swiftly gets up. "No more silly assumptions, dickhead." Ashton playfully states, nudging Red on her arm before she turns to him, "No problem, cunt." Red smirks to Ashton, holding that expression before turning to Elio who eyes them with a grimace.

"I don't want to come-" Elio's soft tone is interrupted by both Ashton and Red, "You're coming!"

Elio falls to his defeat before they all drag themselves to their bedrooms and begin to get changed.


Layla found herself amongst Freddy, and whatever it was he considered his friends, which to Layla seemed like a bunch of misogynists that were tempting her with every excruciating second that passed in this club.

Layla typically spent her weekends at home alone while Freddy went out to do his own thing. However, since he had returned the night before, Layla thought it might be nice to join him. Although Freddy seemed hesitant when she expressed her desire to accompany him, Layla brushed it off like she usually does with everything else.

It's simple, she needs a distraction, this is it.

Layla is feeling extremely guilty after having a tough conversation with Red. She keeps replaying the conversation in her mind, thinking about Red's confession and tears, she feels like a cruel villain. Layla is unable to be alone with her thoughts without wanting to talk to Red again. However, she knows that she wouldn't know what to say to Red and that Red deserves better than that.

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