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I just got back home from work. I'm pretty much jetlagged, but I have a promise to fulfill. I promised Michelle I'll call her today.

After having a quick shower, got dressed in a white t-shirt and a grey sweatpants.
It's around 7pm. She said her bed time is by 10pm. Since today's Saturday, she might stay up late.

I grab my phone to the living room, settled on the couch after grabbing a cup of coffee with me.
I bought a phone stand a few days back because of Elle. She mostly calls me when I'm busy.
Now I can multitask.

I set up the stand then dialed her phone number.
Well, Rose's number.
She didn't pick up. I dialed it twice and she picked on the third ring.

"Mags, I know what you gonna say but I'm working on it. My deadline isn't near yet. Can you.......Asher." She gasped aloud.
We really should stop meeting or coming across his each other like this.

The supermarket, and now?

Throughout, I watched her keenly. She didn't notice it was me from earlier. I doubt she checked the ID.

"Rose." It's been a while since I last saw her. Whenever I go pick up Elle from her home, she was never standing there waiting with Elle. But I do feel someone watching us.
And I know, it's Rose.

"I'm so sorry. I wasn't expecting you. Should I go get Elle?" All I do is stare at her face. I don't know how many minutes we stared at each other. She looks uneasy like she was gonna say something. I want to point it out but decide against it.

"Asher__I-I-I want-I," she stuttered. I watch her closely. She sighed heavily shutting her eyes tightly. She inhaled licking her bottom lips before reopening her beautiful eyes and setting them on me once again.

"Could-can we hang out sometime? I mean--whenever you're free, you know like the old times? Please, Asher. I--I really wanna talk to you."

Am I ready to hear what she has to say? Maybe.

"Sure. Now, go get Elle." I ordered her with my voice calm and collected. I'm excited, nervous and irritated about our impending meetup.

"Thank you, Asher. Elle! Elle!! Hey, guess who called." I heard a squeal from no other than Elle.
A shrieking sound to be precise.

"Uncle Asher!!" She ran over to her mum, grabbing her phone from her settling on the bed smiling widely at me.
"I missed you. I was waiting for your call. I thought you forgot about our deal." I laugh heartily at that.

How could I forget that?
It has been on my mind since I arrived at work. I had been on my mind all day. I look forward to hearing from Elle, she brightens up my day.

"There's no way I would forget our deal. Besides, I missed you too." From here, I could spot Rose working on her laptop. Hitting the keys of the keypad at a speed I can't calculate. She's smiling whilst typing.

What could be tickling her fancy?
What could she be writing about?
I'm suddenly curious.
Is she planning a new book?
I have all her books stuck in my library.
Last she published a book was two years ago.

"...then my teacher told us to go for P.E. I hate P.E. Uncle Asher?" Elle waved at the phone. I avert my gaze to her with an apologetic smile.

"Are you okay? I thought I lost you." She speaks extremely well for a five year old.
"Yeah, I'm good. After you went for P.E, what next?" I sit up with my full attention on Elle. She smiled back to narrating her day to me.

Occasionally, I steal glances at Rose. I kept doing that till I met her eyes. I hold her gaze for as long as I know still listening to Elle speak.

Her eyes glistering with tears, I furrow a brow at that. She didn't break our little staring contest.
The tears stream down her beautiful face.

She repeatedly wiped at her face. I don't know but I feel that urge to wipe those tears. I want to make her happy.
I don't like seeing her cry.
I never liked it.

I mentally slap myself.
Why all these thoughts?

"I want to have a sleepover at your house." That statement made me wrench my gaze away from my girl.
My girl?

She's not your girl, Asher. At least not anymore.

"A sleepover? What does mum have to say to that?" We all stare at Rose for an answer.
"Rose, baby. Do you mind little Elle staying over at my place?"

I utter in a mocking voice, smirking at her. She rolled her eyes at that. Laughter bubbled inside me. I let out a laugh at her reaction.
Quite predictable.

"Baby, what do you say?" I taunt her with the endearment again. I don't know if she's affected by it but I've gotten the reaction I wanted.

Elle frown at our interaction. I'm not explaining anything to the kid.
This is between adults.
"Maybe give you time to spend with your baby daddy." I glare at her at that. That amused look on her face vanished, replaced with pain and vulnerability.

That won't work on me, princess.

"Baby daddy? What's that, momma?" Little Elle asked glancing from her mum to me and back.
I'm not replying the kid.
I stare hard at Rose anticipating an answer to the kid.

"Answer the girl, Rose. What's a baby daddy or should I say who?" My jaws clench. I'm feeling pissed already.

"Asher... please don't do this. Please," her voice barely a whisper. She pleaded with her eyes. She's crying.
Well, now. I don't care.

"Baby, do you mind stepping outside for a bit?" She let out those words to Elle who nodded leaving us both.
I could hang up on her.
I want to.
But I'm quite invested and curious.

"You sent the kid away. Don't want her knowing the truth about her momma? I guess you haven't told her how we are acquainted, have you?" She shakes her head wiping her eyes harshly.

"Asher, this is between us. Don't pull my kid into this, please. I beg of you. I don't know what you are playing at. If you want to hurt and taunt me, exclude my daughter. Please. I beg of you, never mention the word in her presence."

I know what she's talking about.
I'm not one to listen to her now.
"Baby daddy, huh? Why didn't you answer her question? Why?"

"Please, stop it okay? I know you hate me for what happened. Can you just keep it between us?" She pleads with me. Her hands clamped together infront of her. She's about kneeling.
I don't want that.

"Alright. For Elle," the playful smirk on my face is gone however replaced with a serious expression.
I don't want to hurt Elle.
This is between us. Just us.

"For Elle." She repeated nodding.
We have an agreement then. Silence evolved the atmosphere. I was about hanging up when I heard her speak up.

"We still meeting up?" She fidgeted with the hem of her blouse looking down.

"Yes. I'll text you once I'm free."

"Eatery or my place or..?" I abruptly cut her sentence short.

"My place sounds awesome. I'll text you?" I watch her carefully. She inhaled and exhaled, clutching and unclutching her bedsheets. She's nervous. She feels like she's in a tight spot.

I guess reading her is quite easy.
Has always been easy.

"Yes. Goodnight, Ash."

I nod hanging up quickly.


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