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The picture above is that of Michelle. I don't own any of these pictures I upload. I get them all from Pinterest. Credits to the real owner.


It's been a week since we arrived here in Nigeria. After that talk with grandma, I went back to prayer.
But this time, I prayed for Asher. For his wellbeing. For Him.
Today, we are leaving for Lagos. We have a cab taking us to the airport.

We arrived an hour to our boarding time.
"Rose," my dad calls for me. I slow my pace to have him catching up with me.
"Hey daddy," I smiled hogging his left arms rolling my luggage with in my left hand.

"I didn't ask how your talk with Daniella go. How was it?" He began.
"It was a talk long overdue." He nods like he gets me. Maybe he does, cause he didn't inquiries more.

"You excited to go back to the states?" He poses a question that I know very well he has the answer to.
"I love staying here." I think that's enough for him to figure out what I mean.

"I'll take it as that you don't wanna go back." I smile lightly at him. Mum took my luggage from me pointing the customs that I was too engrossed in a discussion to notice.

"I'll talk to you later, sweet girl." He placed a kiss on my cheeks before moving over to mum who stood pouting.

I hate taking long plane rides. I have to sit for hours. Well, we are on the plane back to US. As much as I pretty much prefer staying back in Nigeria, Elle has to get back to school.

Her life revolves around NJ, I'm not planning on taking that away from her.
I will be deemed selfish.
"Hey," Naomi acknowledges me from beside her.
"Hey Naomi, what's up?"

"Nothing really. I'm missing my kids and Damien." She says, with the look on her face. I think she's reminiscing about memories shared with her family. She has been away from them for three weeks.
I doubt I can go that long without my girl.
Maybe I just did.

I barely recall having fun with Elle during our stay in Nigeria. I was basically always around grandma.
I neglected my baby girl.
I tear my gaze from Naomi to where my baby sat.

She was happily chatting with mum.
I must say I'm jealous.
I haven't seen her smile at me in a week.
Am I a bad mum?

"If you are wondering if Elle's mad at you for ignoring her, then I guarantee you she's not. She understands." My eyes snapped back to her.

"She understands?" I barely spent time with her. Whenever she walked up to me to play, I'm literally always jetlagged.
How could she understand that?

I spent time with grams to make up for the six years I refuse to visiting even when it's that time of the year we usually travel back to Nigeria.

I really wanted to make it up to her.
And at the same time, I neglected my child.
Lord, please forgive me. I had no intention of pushing her away.

"Stop whatsoever thoughts running through your head. You raised a sweet girl. She understood when I told her, you wanted to catch up with grams because it's been long. She still spent time with grams, yunno."
I sigh.

"It's not your fault. You didn't neglect your baby, don't say that. I know you, Dara. I know what's running through your mind. You are a good mum to that baby girl. She said you should spend all the time you wanted with grams, she'll have you all to herself when we arrive home. She's a sweet girl."

She really said that.
I can't believe this. I guess I was overthinking all this. My little girl is growing up. I love her more each day.


"Mummy!" Elle giggled hogging my legs. Well, I was about going out to meet Naomi. I was just kidding when I told her she wasn't gonna join me. She gave me that cute and adorable look and I couldn't resist it.
I agreed and now here we are. With her hogging my legs gaining the upper hand with her cute irresistible looks.

"Go get dressed, I'll be right here waiting for you." She ran to her room so quick she could have hurt herself. I smiled at her.
Damien and the kids returned home, Naomi invited us over for dinner. Besides I missed those two munchkins as dad likes to call them.

"I'm ready!" She ran back to me with her laces untied and her jacket over her shoulder. I giggled, she thought I was gonna go leave her behind.

I crouch down to her level, bending slightly to tie her laces and fix her dress up. I helped her put on her jacket before grabbing my keys and coat.
We make our way over to my car packed across our street.

She loves it when I act as her chauffeur and open her door.
"Put on your seatbelt!" I call out making a round turn to the driver's seat. I inserted my keys, putting on my seatbelt.

Took a quick glance at the rear mirror to be rest assured she was safety conscious.
Rummaging through my bag, I took out an iPad I got back in Nigeria for her. Well, would have gotten it over here but I knew it'll skip my mind.

"Here, I downloaded a few games and yunno cartoons for you." I beamed at her sparkling eyes. She smiled brightly at me. She took it, inspecting it thoroughly.

"Elle, why don't you say a word of prayer?" She dropped her ipad quickly, adjusting herself on the seat with her eyes closed and her hands clammed together infront of her.

"Father Lord, we thank you for a good day like this. For your love and kindness. We thank you for all that you do, may your name be glorified. Father, as we're about embarking on this journey, be with us. Lord, go before us. Ask for your protection sweet Jesus. Thank you for answered prayers, Amen."

I muttered an Amen before igniting the engine and kicking the vehicle to life. I reverse then accelerated into the streets, off to Naomi's.

She's back in NJ.

God bless you all.🤍

You can choose to imagine the characters as someone you prefer. But for me, this characters suit just fine.

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