Mum?- Chapter 31

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             ~ Isabella's POV ~
I told her not to get drunk.

Does she ever listen, Nope.

I sigh

"I believe I can fly" She sings

"no,no you can't" I say.

Right now,it's battle again gravity and time.

Elena's leaning on me while I'm trying to get her to the car.



I did have fun though.

That gut, Seth, he was really something.

His aura was different from others.

And his British accent, was it for me.

I didn't even ask for him number.

I couldn't run after him just to get his number.

I'd look like a stalker.

Well,it was nice meeting him.

Driving back home,I couldn't help think about mum. I've tried not to think of it,but,who am I kidding.

I've been trying to reach Luca,but he's not picking up his damn calls.


I guess I should deal with the guards first.

Then the devil himself

As I approach the mansion, they open the gate.

"Miss Isabella?" one of the guards asked in relief.

"Hmmm" I reply.

"Where have you been? where's Elena? The boss is furious" he says in one breath.

"Went to the club with Elena, she's at the back, drunk" I say and I drive in.

I park the car and get out to help Elena out.

After successful getting her to the front door,I breathe before I enter.

Opening it,I am met with a calm Rocco,a relieved Antonio and Enzo and a furious Stefano.

I swear he had steam coming out of his ears.

"" I say and Enzo rushes to my side carrying Elena effortlessly.

Not fair.

"My office,now" Stefano says.

"Nah,I'm going to bed" I say walking away.

Since when did I get so,tough.

Suddenly, I was grabbed and pushed to a wall,hitting my head quite hard.

The impact did something.

My head.

"Are you out of your mind?" Stefano asks.


my head feels heavy.

"I thought you were a genius, the all knower" he says

He continues talking or insulting or doing both,but all I could think about are the black dots forming in my eyes and his tight grip around my wrist.

"Stefano" Rocco shouts.

"I think she gets the idea" he adds.

"shut the fuck up" Stefano spits out.

Suddenly, Stefano is pushed of me and a pair if warm hands hold me.

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