Poison-Chapter 23

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               ~ Isabella's POV ~
Am I in hell?

It's not as hot as I thought it would be.

maybe this is the waiting area.

Oh am I in heaven?

No I couldn't possibly be in heaven.

Could I? 

Splash and bang

Cold water was suddenly poured on making me jolt sitting up and hitting my head on  a.....pan?

Nice going Rapunzel.

I groan in pain.

"Good morning to you too" Cassie said mocking me.

And I give her my best fake smile.

Everything hurts,my back,my ribs,my face,my feet,my head,my shoulder...ugh the list goes on.

"Today's the day sweetheart, today's the day you'll scream" She says with pure evil in her eyes.

I was suddenly dragged roughly by my hair into a...

New chair?

Ken shoved me down on the chair and locked my arms land legs on the chains attached to the chair.

Yup, new chair

I see her grab a knife from the table.

Great...just great.

She walks over to me.

"Have you ever been cut?" She says dragging the knife across the skin of hand and I hiss.


After cutting a long line,she returns to the table and grabs a bottle.

What's that?

When she turns I see the danger sign on the bottle and my eyes widden in shock making her smirk.

She walks over to me opening the bottle and I begin to struggle.




"This will hurt" She says as she starts pouring the acid on my open cut





I begin to shake my head as the pain consumes me

I can't

I need to let it out

Come one you can,hold on okay.

I feel her tearing open my lap and pouring the acid on the fresh cut.

and I scream in pain.

"Stoppppp" I say crying

"That's it, scream,scream like the bitch you are." She says


I'm tired,weak,thirst and hungry.

All the crying is giving me a headache.

Cassie continued with the acid relating the action about 3 more times. Then I became a punching bag.

My face hurts like hell.

I have 8 broken ribs, infected cuts, and a bloody face.

I actually passed out because the pain became too much.

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