The Guilt- Chapter 2

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It's been 2 months since my mums encounter with my dad,lucky her.Mine was yesterday because I drove Mr Grey home cause he forgot his wallet.

I had a bleeding nose,a scratch to the head and belt marks on my back. I'm in pain. I remember the pain I went through yesterday, physical pain,but today,I'm in much more pain; mental pain,emotional pain,I forget all the pain on my body when I woke up today knowing what day it is. It's the day he saved me,the day he left me,the day he told me he was in love with me,the day he sacrificed himself for me,the day he died in my arms. Davide Tommaso,my best friend. I start to remember everything that happened 2 years ago on this very day; August 2.

I burst into tears and begin to hate myself more than I already do because it's my fault that he's dead. I know it's my fault, I'm the cause of his dea-
I hear a knock on the door that makes me snap back to reality. I hear my mums voice form the other side of the door. I mutter a "come in" and she does locking the door after she's inside.

She knows what day it is,so she doesn't say anything,instead,she just hugs me ad I cry into her shoulders. Roberto is out on a mission. He left two days after the incident with my my,I guess that's why him and Lucca were called into his office that day. So it's only me,my mum,Luca and my father in the house.

I hear another knock,its Luca. My mum unlocks the door and he comes in knowing what day it is he just looks at me with comfort in his aeyes and hugs me tightly.

My father isn't home. He went to meet with the Slavatores to discuss something,so he'll be out for a while,let's say 8 hours. After about 15 minutes of silence, my mum gets up and leaves to make breakfast for me and Luca went to train. Davide's deaths pains Luca almost as much as it pains me everyday.

I eat breakfast in bed around 12:29  and I thank my mum.

I decide to take a shower and I do after which I sleep for 4 hours. I wear only my panites and an oversized shirt.

Waking up, I wake up with a gift; headache. I'll take pain killers.

I decide to go visit him.


it's not your fault

yes it is love,it is.

I wear my bra,with a black cargo pant. I take off the oversized shirt and wear the  black hoodie. I define my hair curls, slip on my black crocs,my knives are already in my trouser.

it's already 5:30pm when I leave the house heading for the sementary. I pick some flowers on the way and tie them with my scrunchie.

I arrive at the sementary and tears are forming in me eyes again. I head to his grave and stare at it for a while before kneeling down by it.I lay the flowers on his grave and tears begin to fall.

"Every year I ask myself,why? Why'd you do it Davide? why?" I say while crying. "I miss you so so much" I add. I cry harder as I remember him and what he sacrificed for me.

After about an hour, I decide it's time to go. I look at this grave

       In memory of a son & brother
                   Davide Tommaso
           September 26- August 2

I kiss his grave and say my good night's and goodbyes again.

For 4 years now,August 2 has always been the worst days if my life,when the guilt consumes me and I become guilt, thing is,I didn't know it was about to get worse.

I got home around 7:15. I see my fathers car and sigh,but,I also see Roberto's ca.

He's back already? Maybe just for today

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