4: Jake

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He wakes up in a new place he's never been to before. Jake finds himself in the middle of a warehouse somewhere hot and humid. Jake sits up, glancing around himself. He sees that agent, the one who hurt him before. Malik.

Malik has his back to Jake, and he's standing with a couple other people dressed in suits like his. Jake wonders what part of the government they're from. Not that it matters. They're obviously the kind of people who make people like him suffer and disappear. Probably has a lot of blood on his hands.

Innocent people who just knew too much.

And now, Jake's one of them. He's gonna get disappeared, and Malik's the one who's gonna make him vanish. He just knows it.

Jake is chained to a cot in the corner of the warehouse, and no matter how hard he yanks the chains, they do not give an inch. He swears under his breath and looks up as Malik and his allies walk up to him.

"Well, well, look who's awake," says Malik, chuckling. He turns to the woman with curly brown hair, dark skin, and gray eyes beside him. She wears a gray suit dress with high heeled boots.

"Where am I? What's happening?" Jake demands.

"See, Hannah, the foolish always fall victim to their love for their friends. But it's more than that, isn't it? He loves Melisande, and that's how we are to get her back."

"Fuck you," Jake snarls.  "You're not going to get her. Especially by using me, she is smarter than that. You're the foolish ones."

Malik laughs.  "Oh, of course you'd think that."

Hannah looks at Jake with an appraising gaze. She steps closer, her heels clicking on the linoleum floors. Studying Jake closely, Hannah then turns to Malik. 

"I have an idea," she says.  "If this foolish boy is right about Melisande not being foolish enough to fall for our trick of a noble sacrifice...."

"What do you have in mind, then, Hannah?"

She grins. "Torture the truth from him. He's close to her, so she's likely told him where she's headed."

Jake rolls his eyes. "Please. You two are standard bad guys. You could not trick a baby into giving up their candy"

"We don't need to do any of that," says a third voice. A woman with long, black hair, gray eyes, and pale skin thats covered with makeup steps into the light from the shadows of the warehouse. "We know where she is going. Thanks to Crispin."

"Oh? And what's he found out?" asks Malik.

The new woman laughs, adjusting the lapels of her purple suit dress. She looks at Jake and offers him a small wave before she turns back to Malik and Hannah.

"She's headed to Florida, where a much bigger version of that stone is waiting.  And there, in Orlando, we will find the source of power we have been seeking for ages."

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