2: Jake

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Jake has been trying to reach Meli for over an hour, but there is no sign she's even read any texts or noticed his calls.

He paces back and forth, his hands shaking as he tries to call her one more time. But of course, she doesn't answer. He sets down the phone and begins to pace again, sighing heavily. Jake looks around his room. Maybe he could get his bike, ride it over to Meli's house.

Then, he hears the doorbell ring. He takes the phone off the desk in his room and jogs downstairs. He's excited as he opens the door, but it's not Meli that's standing there. In fact, he doesn't even know who it is that stands there.

The man that stands there has long, black hair that hangs in a pair of stormy gray eyes, his dark face angular and sharp. He studies Jake, and Jake backs up a step. The man wears a crisp, gray suit, and his intense gray stare is enough to unsettle him deeply.

"Can I uh, help you?" Jake asks him.

"I'm Agent Malik," he says. "And I'm looking for your friend, Melisande."

"You .... why?" Jake asks.

"Because she is in danger," he says sternly. "Melisande is in trouble, and something tells me that you are well aware that things are weird with her."

"Um.... what? No. Just because she hasn't answered my messages, it doesn't mean she's in trouble."

"She was kidnapped," says Malik.

"You just throwing spaghetti at the wall and seeing if it's cooked, right?" Jake demands, narrowing his eyes and placing his hands on his hips.

"Look.... Melisande is in trouble, and it could be life-or-death here, Jake."

"How the fuck do you know us? I got that you're a whatever Agent, but .... how?"

"I've been searching for Melisande, and the special thing she is guarding. But maybe if you could help me, we could find her before something bad happens to her."

"Are you threatening Meli?" Jake demands.

"No, I am not.'

"Then stop being so fucking cryptic. Just tell me what is happening, and why you suddenly need to find Meli!"

"Melisande is not a normal girl. She is special. And if you can just help me find her, then we can help keep her safe from those who are after her. Those who would hurt or maybe even kill her."

"But how do I know if I can trust you? And if I can, why would you even help us?" Jake asks. "And how the hell do you even know about Meli?"

"It's my job to know about things like this, Jake. That's how I know her, and how I knew where to find you," he says. "You can trust me, Jake. I am one of the few people who can help you."

"What does that even mean?"

"The people who are after her are dangerous. If you help me, maybe we will be able to find her quicker than I could do so alone."

"Fine. But I'm not helping you. I'm helping Meli."

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