1: Melisande

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I was given the ring by my mother, who had been given it by her mother, and her mother before her. Ever since she gave it to me, I have worn it. The ring is not too big, about half the size of my knuckle, and the gemstone in its silver center is bright green. No one in our family knows what kind of gem it is, but it's beautiful. No one can take it from us, no matter how hard the others may try.

I sit in my room, staring at the phone in my hands. But just as I'm about to text my friend, my ring catches my eye. It ... it is glowing bright green. I stare at it, my eyes wide. The gem seems to pulsate, and shimmer.

It's a strange light that shines from it, which isn't refracted light or anything, just .... some kind of glow that comes from within. I stand up, my heart pounding in my throat, and I rush downstairs.

My mom stands with her back to me, her hands working on washing dishes. When she hears me enter, she turns around. Her happiness upon seeing me fades when she realizes that I'm scared. And then, her eyes fall on my ring, which still glows.

"Meli," she says softly, stepping toward me. "That's not good."

I look at her, then back to the stone. "What do we do?"

"I don't know, my love," she says, shaking her head. She looks over to the window, then back to me. "Follow me." She hastily removes her apron and ties her hair up as we hurriedly leave the kitchen.

We walk through the house and to the backyard, where she turns to look at me, taking my hands in hers. "Melisande. This is very important. Things may not be the same after this moment, but for now, you need to know that I'm always here, rooting for you. You were chosen by the crystal to be the one who brings it home. You can, Melisande. You can do this."

"Do what?" I ask.  "Mom, what is this thing?"

"It is your responsibility now, Meli. Protect it. It is very, very important. I know this seems sudden, and I know you're scared. But believe me, you need to go to the place where the rest of this stone is located. You need to go there, and protect it from whatever is harming it."

"What? Mom, you're not making sense.  I don't know what to do with this thing!"

"Melisande. I know. Trust me, I know. My great-grandmother told my mother that the best way to find its location, where the rest of the stone is, would be to trust your instincts. They will not lead you astray."

"That makes no sense. Mom ... I don't want this stupid ring! I just ... I want ..."

Her phone chrips. Mom sighs and pulls it from her pocket. I watch, unable to even get breaths down, as she studies the screen. Then, she looks at me with genuine horror in her green eyes. 

"They're coming," she whispers. She then grabs my wrist and we start running to the car that waits in the garage attached to our home. Mom tells me to get in the backseat and I do, and she starts the car as I buckle up. She latches her seat belt and starts to drive down the street, away from our house.

"Mom, what the hell is going on? What is this? And who's coming?"

She sighs shakily, veering the car around a tight left corner. I press my hand against the window in an effort to stop my head from striking the glass. We drive fast down the many roads that take up our small section of Pittsburgh, and we leave the city behind. I pull out my phone as it starts to buzz.

"Don't answer that," says my mom, her voice breaking.

"What is happening?! Please, answer me!"

"You won't believe me," she says, shaking her head.

We veer off the highway, and onto McKnight Road, and I grip my seat belt.  "Mom, please. Just tell me, what is happening?"

"Fine." She clears her throat. "This stone has been in our family for generations. And if we ever have seen it glow, we need to find the origin point, the place where the stone that the rock in your ring came from. But the only way we could do that is by searching for.... abnormalities in the world. I have found one specific thing.... a terrible blizzard that struck Disneyworld. It happened last week."

"Mom, it's June."

"Hence why this caught our attention."


"... Yes. You see, my sisters and I are all aware of the stone. And it is .... the gateway to another realm. And if ever the ring is aglow, then we need to get it to the rest of the stone. But there are.... people who want the ring. They will be hunting us, now. And none of us will be safe. Not you or me. And not Aunt Macey and Aunt Mirabell."

"Aunt Mirabell lives in Florida, not far from Disney," I say. "So why can't she just go there? And if we are being pursued, then why don't we like, I dunno, hop on a plane?"

Mom shakes her head. "No, Meli. There will be agents there that will find us if we go to an airport. But Meli, we need to get to Florida, before week's end."

"Why then?"

"Because the storms and other not-so-natural disasters will keep coming, and worsening, until the ring wearer is there to protect the stone. Because if we don't reach it in time.... " She sighs.  "The world will likely end."

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