Chapter 218

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'Four million pena upfront.'

Four million pena will pay for the canal and a large part of the debt.

He would be finally out of debt!

What's more, it was even more satisfying because it allowed him to rob King Odin's warehouse.

Raymond couldn't wait to see the look on Odin's face when he woke up and was told that he had been robbed of four million pena.

It would be exhilarating.

"It's highly improbable that even the royal treasures would fetch four million pena...."

"If not, what about the treasures belonging to the royal queens?"


"If you're saving His Majesty's life, surely they'd be willing to part with their treasures, wouldn't they?"

Raymond remarked casually.

The prospect of pilfering not only King Odin's wealth but also that of the troublesome queens filled him with a sense of vindication.

'Let's save the third queen for last.'

"In any case, I'll entrust that matter to you and His Majesty to resolve."

"...I understand. As the treasurer overseeing the royal finances, I agree to your terms."

And so, Raymond successfully gained access to both the royal treasury and the treasures of the queens.

"There's something else."

"... What is it?"

"A full tax exemption for my upcoming medical venture."


It was an incredible offer, and despite his reservations, Galman could only nod in agreement.

"There's another condition."

"Another one?"

Galman's expression betrayed his unease, but Raymond remained resolute.

"You're not obligated to agree if you're uncomfortable."

"Oh, no."

Galman sighed heavily.

'This is all His Majesty's fault. Raymond is not this kind of kid. How deep is the wound?'

Who was Raymond, after all?

Wasn't he regarded as an angel, a beacon of light?

Galman could sense the profound hurt in a child who harbored no greed, only concern for others.

'And what he's asking for is ultimately for the people's benefit.'

Four million pena? Tax exemption?

He knew Raymond was working on a monumental project that would reshape the destinies of the Houston and Droton kingdoms.

He was aware of Raymond's efforts to mass-produce a miracle elixir to combat smallpox.

The demand for four million pena and tax exemption was a prerequisite for these grand endeavors.

'I commend him for making such demands in the interest of your people, even amidst these circumstances.'

In contrast, his exasperation with Odin deepened.

'Didn't I advise you from the start? Turn to Raymond. Ultimately, we've found ourselves in this predicament.'

It was a consequence of his actions.

DP (PART 2)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora