Chapter 213

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And there was a more significant reason.

'Honestly, I didn't have many regrets with the Third Queen.'

At least she hadn't directly mistreated him.

Therefore, he felt much less emotionally attached to her compared to others.

'If it had been anyone else I resented, I wouldn't have been able to treat them so easily.'

Yeah, like King Odin, for example.

If King Odin had fallen seriously ill, would Raymond have readily offered his help?

Well, Raymond shook his head.

'I don't think so, to be honest.'

Anyway, Raymond adopted a saintly demeanor for appearance's sake and asserted,

"I'm a healer. My only concern is the patient's well-being. Nothing else matters."


Vignette suddenly recalled the rumors surrounding Raymond.

'He's just a light.'

She had heard them.

No, she had deliberately ignored them because of her son, Remerton.

But in this moment, she realized.

Raymond truly embodied light.

Vignette squeezed her eyes shut.

"...I'm sorry. No, I feel really sorry for you."

Raymond's eyes widened. He was being addressed.

She had called him "Raymond," not Marquis.

In other words, she was apologizing to him as a 'mother' who had learned from her past mistakes.


Raymond's heart trembled for a moment.

It was unprecedented.

To receive such a heartfelt apology.

None of those who had wronged him in the past had ever offered such sincerity.

"... No."

Raymond bit his lip hard, struggling to contain his emotions.

"I'll do my best to heal you."


At the queen's urging, the operation was fast-tracked.

Marquis Terne rushed in upon hearing the news.

When Marquis Terne laid eyes on Raymond, his demeanor stiffened.

Understandably so.

Given their long-standing hostility, it was surprising that Raymond was now willing to cure his sister.

'What if he opposes treatment?'

But fortunately, he didn't.

Marquis Terne realized that Raymond was the queen's only hope for a cure.

Raymond lightened the atmosphere with his words.

"You don't have to dwell on the past."

"... what?"

"I'm here solely as a healer, Marquis. Today, let's set aside everything else and focus on the queen's well-being."

Marquis Terne's eyes flickered with realization.

He understood Raymond's sincerity.

He gritted his teeth.

"Can you truly heal her?"

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