Chapter 205

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The twins' predicament gnawed at Raymond's conscience.

However, there was a revelation yet to dawn on Raymond and the others.

The twins' silence wasn't merely a response to their emotional turmoil; they were talking silently through the magic of Messages.

[...He wasn't deceiving us before. Can someone truly be that naïve? Is such innocence even possible?]

[I find it hard to believe too, sister.]

In truth, the events of today had been orchestrated by the twins.

Their "accidental" fall and the strategically placed Enchanter book were all part of their plan to draw Raymond to them.

'I never imagined such kindness existed in the world.'

Aside from their father, no one had ever shown them such generosity.

The outcome was astounding.

While Raymond may have coveted their abilities, he had genuinely bestowed them upon the twins for their own benefit.

[...The world isn't entirely populated by villains; there are good people like him.]

[...Don't you think we should use our powers for his sake, Ren?]

[I believe so, Rune.]

They nodded in agreement.

"Okay. We'll live the life we want from now on."

"Good, good thinking."

"We're going to follow the Marquis."

"So... huh?"

Raymond narrowed his eyes.

The twins spoke with stoic expressions.

"The life we want. It's about using our powers for the Marquis."


Raymond panicked.

Then, the door opened.

"Please do as the children say, Marquis."

It was Durak!


"Could you please come this way for a moment?"

Durak bitterly lit his cigarette.

"Please, Marquis, take charge of those children."


"I'm asking you for the children's sake."

Durak guided Raymond into the serene room.

"As you may have noticed, my children have difficulty trusting others due to the scars left by their time as hostages. They regard everyone with suspicion."


"I've done my utmost, but deep-seated distrust is not easily remedied. Therefore, my children require the Marquis's love."


'My love?'

Raymond echoed, wearing a puzzled expression.

Durak nodded solemnly.

"Yes, I believe that witnessing the Marquis's boundless generosity and compassion will gradually soften the children's hearts. Please, take them under your wing."


Raymond fell silent.

'It seems there's some misunderstanding about me.'

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