Second Star to the Right

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Neal didn't know what he was expecting when he was calling into the pawnshop but the grave faces of his father, Emma, and Belle were not encouraging.

"What's all this about?" he asked.

"Bae we're sorry, I'm not quite sure how to tell you this but..." began Belle however Emma cut her off looking surprisingly apologetic.

"I was right about Tamara."

"What?" asked Neal in confusion suddenly feeling defensive. "I told you all there's no way Tamara would do anything to hurt anyone."

"Well, she's certainly got no qualms about hurting you," said his father pushing a cell phone with a video cued up towards him.

"What the hell do you mean? I thought you weren't going to interfere?" demanded Bae.

"We weren't until we heard from Grace that Tamara was seen kissing Greg Mendell," said Belle.

"At which point I asked for their help getting proof on her and Mendell. Just listen to the recording Neal," said Emma firmly. "For Henry's sake if nothing else." Neal scowled still unable to believe what they said but pressed play on the recording.

The longer he listened the sicker he began to feel. As the conversation portion ended Belle leaned forward and cut off the recording.

"I think that's enough of that."

Neal wanted to deny it. To call the recording a fake. But much as he hated it...It had to be real. Emma wasn't petty enough even if she did still love him, which was a big if, to fake something like that and neither Belle or his father had the capability nor, if he were being honest with himself would they want him to be hurt.

"I see." he said at last.

"We're sorry Bae," said his father quietly and he sounded genuine.

"Yeah, well, what do we do now?" asked Neal. "Confront her?"

"No, I fear that would be giving away the game to quickly and could push her to do something rash," said his father.

"Might be a bit late for that," said the Piper as she strode inside the shop followed by Snow White and Charming.

"Regina hasn't answered any of our calls and she wasn't at her home or office," said Snow. Emma swore and Neal felt his heart race.

"Where's Henry?"

"We left him and Grace with Red, and Jefferson at the Charming's house," said Piper. Well, that was decent security Bae supposed.

"So, Tamara really is behind this?" said Snow.

"Yes, Belle and Gold helped me find out the truth," Emma replied and Neal noted the pointed tone directed at her parents. Touchy subject. He wondered why.

"Look we're sorry we didn't believ..."began Charming but Piper cut them off.

"As lovely as you trying to make amends for not listening to your daughter's common sense is we potentially have bigger problems."

"I admit I'm a little shocked you are so invested in saving the Evil Queen Pip. Or you your Majesties, given the number of times she's tried to do you in," said Bae's father and the blond shrugged.

"Those two having her can't spell anything good for all of us. And...she and I are...slowly on the mend."

"It's the right thing to do no matter what Regina has done," said Snow.

"Look we need your help to find her can you do it?" asked Charming.

"Certainly," said his father. "But everything comes with a price."

The Best Tea Cup is Chipped: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now