Into the Deep

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Rumple was supposed to be sharing a home packed lunch with Belle in the day following the wolf incident only for Regina to come barging in in all her irritating overdramatic glory.

"Dearie, I thought I made it clear I wasn't helping you."

"We need to talk," said Regina before pausing, as if waiting for Belle to take the hint and leave not that Belle paid any attention.

"Do we?" asked Rumple.

"Just tell us what you want so we can tell you no and get on with our lunch," said Belle without sparing the former Queen a glance. Regina scowled and Rumple felt a swell of pride at his wife's bravery in the face of her former tormentor.

"I've actually come about the one thing that might unite us."

"And what could that possibly be?" scoffed Rumple.

"Cora. She's coming from our land and I need your help to stop her," replied Regina and Rumple felt his blackened heart still. Cora was supposed to be in Wonderland and no longer a problem. If she came back the consequences could be disasterous.

"Your mother?" said Belle who had finally given the conversation her full attention.

"You know about her?" asked Regina. Rumple rolled his eyes.

"There are no secrets between myself and Belle. Of course, she knows about Cora," Regina sneered.

"Well then you both understand the severity of the situation."

"She was dead. You told me you saw the body." Rumple reminded Regina who scoffed.

"Apparently you taught her well. She's not, and she's on her way and I don't think I need to remind you how most unpleasant that would be for both of us."

"For you. I can handle Cora," said Rumple with a shrug that hid the true tension he felt.

"That's not how she tells the story."

"I won in the end," said Rumplestiltskin. Regina shrugged.

"Maybe. But there's a big difference this time. This time you have someone you care about. This time you have a weakness." She tilted her head towards Belle who raised an eyebrow.

"Then we'd best find a way to prevent her getting to Storybrooke."

"So you say she's coming. Where is she now?" asked Rumple.

"With Snow and Emma. Apparently Henry saw Princess Aurora in that fire room and Emma and Snow are travelling with her. She passed on the warning. Now we need to send one back to Emma and Snow through Henry but we need your help to know what to tell them."

Rumple sighed.

"Bring Henry here he'll go to sleep here and I'll tell him what he needs to pass on."

"Fine," said Regina turning on her heel and leaving as soon as she was out of sight Belle turned to Rumple.

"Cora? That could be dangerous."

"Indeed. Which is why Snow White and Emma will need our help. Much as I hate to agree with Regina. Cora getting through is a BIG problem."

"So, what do you plan to tell them to help defeat her?"

"You remember that plan I had to get myself captured by the heroes?" said Rumple. Belle pursed her lips.

"Vividly. I also remember it didn't come to fruition because we found a better way."

"True. But there are a few stray remnants of the old plan hanging around."

"Remnants that will help stop Cora," said Belle.

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