Forgiveness and Facades

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Rumplestiltskin and Belle were sitting at Granny's it was breakfast time and the place was quite full. The door to the diner opened and in walked The Hatter, Pip, and Grace. Unfortunately, circumstances hadn't really allowed for the five of them to get together properly since the breaking of the curse.

Finally, they'd arranged a get together for breakfast. Grace's face lit up as her eyes set upon Belle and Rumplestiltskin.

"Uncle Rumple!" she exclaimed loudly running towards the booth they sat in and tackling him in a side hug. The whole diner seemed to go silent for half a moment at the girls proclamation. However, unwilling to shove off his goddaughter even for the sake of his reputation Rumple shifted so that he could return the hug chuckling in amusement.

"Hello your Ladyship." By now Pip and the Hatter had reached the booth. Glancing around the still silent diner Pip scoffed.

"Oh, for Wonderland's sake haven't you all ever seen a child happy to see their godparent before? Mind you own business." A snort of amusement came from two booths over where Sheriff Swan sat and then conversation quickly resumed in the diner.

Grace finished hugging Belle and Rumple stood allowing Pip to slide in followed by Grace, with him taking the outside spot for the sake of his leg.

"It's so good to see you again," said Grace. "Properly I mean."

"That it is. Though, I'd say you were quite a big help during the curse your Ladyship."

"Yes, if you hadn't helped Henry con is Grandmother out of her credit card, we might never have gotten the Savior here in the first place," chuckled the Hatter.

"Hattie, I think we're TRYING to set a good example."

"I never said she should make thievery a habit!" replied the Hatter and they all shared a laugh.

"Will we be able to start up my magic lessons again now everything is getting back to normal?" asked Grace. Rumple smiled at her.

"Yes, I think we should be able to find time to do that if you still wish." Grace beamed.

"So, corrupting the young how typical of you Dark One," sneered a voice and they all looked up to see the blue fairy standing in front of the table a look of distain twisting her face.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't the not so good fairy," said the Hatter.

"Let me guess still angry we exposed you in front of their Majesty's?" asked Pip.

"All I've ever done is work for the greater good."

"Keep telling yourself that and maybe one day it will be true," scoffed Belle. "But in the meantime leave us be."

"Why don't you stop bothering people Blue? Most of us just want to have breakfast without having to listen to a sermon from the person who has yet to be of any use." Called Victor from the bar. Blue arched an eyebrow.

"You would ally with a creature like the Dark One." Rumple watched as the doctor stared down the fairy looking unimpressed a slight smirk on his face.

"Sticks and stones Ma'am. Yet those who live in glass houses ought not to throw them." Blue was clearly miffed by the lack of support she was getting for she turned her attention back to their table and onto Grace, who to the girl's credit lifted her chin and met the woman's gaze.

"You should have fled when you had the chance child. I could have helped you." Glaring Rumple stood up so he was facing the fairy head on. He could hear the underlying threat and the woman had gone too far.

"I'd rather not cause trouble in the middle of a crowded diner dearie so I'm going to let you off with a warning. If you or anyone else comes after my family again, if so much as the tip of a wand is laid upon them I will make the perpetrator WISH for the sweet release of death. Am I clear?" The Blue fairy sniffed in disgust and turned to leave. Suddenly Grace asked rather loudly in an overly innocent tone.

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