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The following day came and Lacey paced nervously in the living room of Robert's house. They were waiting on Sheriff Emma Swan to arrive.

"Calm down," said Fae. "It's a discussion. Not an interrogation."

"And we won't let them lock you back up. I promise," added Robert firmly.

"I just hope I can convince her," said Lacey.

"You are braver than you know," Robert told her softly.

"Thank you." she said the confident but somewhat soft look on his face bringing her a strange sense of comfort and stability. She sat down on the couch, while Fae perched on the arm, just as the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it," said Robert. She nodded as he walked out of the room taking deep breaths as she prepared herself for whatever was to come.


Rumplestiltskin answered his door to find Emma Swan waiting for him.

"Hello Sheriff Swan."

"Gold." she said. "You told me you had information about the missing girl and I'm going to breeze over how you somehow have information about a matter the police haven't even released information on yet."

"I've got something a little better." he replied. "Come into the kitchen."

"Said the spider to the fly," muttered Emma and he chuckled.

"The fly in this case is far too useful to be trapped," he replied.

"So what do you know about Lacey French?"

"I know that she was falsely imprisoned in that hellhole they call an asylum. I also know where she is." Emma straightened.



Emma had been surprised to get the call from Gold. Although it did make her more suspicious about Regina's adamant pointing of the finger at him. Still if he could provide a lead, she wasn't going to turn it down. She showed up to his house and to her shock he actually knew where she was. Or claimed to.

"Where?" Gold shrugged.

"Here. The individual who freed her chose to drop her off on my doorstep where she asked for help and I provided."

"How altruistic. When did you become Father Christmas?" snarked Emma her eyes narrowing.

"Hardly," he scoffed. "Do you remember our little discussion at the station?" Emma nodded.

"Is Lacey French your mystery woman?" a brief look of pain flashed across Gold's face before being hidden.

"Yes, she is. Whoever freed her knew I would protect her unconditionally."

"Why didn't you call it in do you really think I'd turn her into Regina who by the way guesses you have her?" Gold gave her a thin and humorless smile.

"There are very few people I trust Sheriff and I'm afraid you haven't earned your place amongst them.

"I'm so offended," said Emma dryly.

"Believe me it's not personal," chuckled Gold before his face turned serious once more. "I've been letting her recover somewhat before she felt up to talking to someone. Especially law enforcement. There's also an added...complication."

"Oh?" said Emma suspiciously. So far, her superpower hadn't gone off. Gold was at least mostly leveling with her.

"She seems to have lost her memory of basically everything."

The Best Tea Cup is Chipped: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now