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Dr Archie Hopper was a sweet man or so it seemed with curly red hair and round glasses. He met with Lacey in the living room the following day at 1pm sharp. Lacey only hoped she could make a good impression as she had with the Sheriff.

"So, Lacey. You know why I'm here I presume?"

"To help determine if I was rightfully locked up and can be safely let out in society?" she said.

"Yes, that's correct," said Archie. "Now I'm going to ask you some questions and I'd appreciate it if you could answer truthfully. We can take things at whatever pace you wish and you don't have to disclose anything you don't feel comfortable speaking about."

"Understood," said Lacey straightening in her seat.

"The file on you said that you were locked up because of delusions and hallucinations that made you a danger to yourself and others. Have you ever had any such feelings or experiences? Such as having a difficult time telling fiction from reality?"

"No. I've never hallucinated anything. When I was in the asylum, they would give me strange drugs that would make me feel almost out of my mind," she took a deep breath forcing herself to continue. "But that was the only thing close to that I've ever experienced. I've certainly not had any episodes of delusions or hallucinations since being off the drugs and living with Mr. Gold."

"What about before that?" asked Archie. Lacey shrugged.

"I don't remember anything before that I didn't even know my name until the nurses at the asylum told me it. But surely if I suffered from these things I would still be having symptoms. Otherwise, they would have been taking steps to have me freed naturally?" Archie nodded.

"It is strange. And speaking from my own recollections I don't recall you ever demonstrating any symptoms of this sort."

"Fae and Mr. Gold also agree that it wasn't in character for me." she added. Archie made a note.

"And you haven't had thoughts of harming others or self-harm?"

"Absolutely not. I'm just glad to be out of there and all I want now is to live a free and normal life minding my own business." Archie made another note.

"What about Mr. Gold what's going on there? If you don't mind me asking."

"He's been kind enough to offer his protection until I'm in the clear. We've become friends but that's all we are at the moment."

"Right. And you feel safe here?" asked Archie.

"Yes, I do," replied Lacey firmly.

"What about your father?" Lacey paused.

"I'd rather not talk about that. But I don't want to hurt him."

"Alright, then why don't we move on to what you've been doing lately." Lacey nodded and began to describe her routine.


Doctor Hopper left and Lacey felt it had been a successful conversation. Certainly, she didn't think that she'd come off as mad or dangerous.

"You really think we'll succeed?" she asked Robert nervously over dinner. Robert gave her a comforting smile.

"I have no doubt of it. As I mentioned to the Sheriff, I have a way with the courts. I've no doubt Hopper will give you a clean bill of health and that should be enough. But if it isn't I have my own ways of...convincing people."

"You won't hurt anyone will you?" asked Lacey. Robert shook his head.

"I wouldn't have to. There are other ways besides physical force. I set that fire to make Emma Swan into a hero. It all depends on the circumstance." The way he spoke reminded Lacey of a puppet master. Pulling the strings to make others dance to his will. His gaze softened.

The Best Tea Cup is Chipped: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now