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Rumple was relieved to have Belle back at his side and also have magic back. It would make certain things much simpler, including protecting his own now that people had their memories.

As they returned to the shop Belle tilted her head.

"Why have you kept the limp? Magic can cure it now and you didn't have it in the other realm?"

"I'm keeping it as a reminder of what I've done all this for. Who I've done it for and as a reminder of the side of me I do not wish to lose."

"The one that became the Dark One for the sake of his son," said Belle with a slight smile.

"I hope that isn't an issue." Belle shook her head as they neared the shop the chain of the necklace that held the dagger, magically returned to its hidden state now around her neck.

"Not at all. I'm just going to run and lock down the library I don't want anyone wandering in if the town suddenly becomes a free for all." Rumple nodded.

"I'll meet you in the shop," he replied and they parted with a brief kiss. This was the opportunity he needed. He'd not been thrilled by the fact that Belle made him promise not to kill Regina. The woman needed to be punished. After all he'd warned her the last time about crossing him. She'd done more than enough.

Still his promise left some wiggle room. He hated going around his wife like this but he wouldn't let what had happened stand.

Putting on some gloves he went to the back room and pulled out a medallion. Then he magicked himself to the Sheriff's station where he guessed Regina would be by now. Enough time had passed that the heroes would have taken her from her mansion and he doubted they'd be sensible enough to just kill her. He entered to find Regina trying to work her magic. He smirked.

"Magic is different here, DEARIE." Regina scowled.

"So I noticed. I presume this is your doing?"

"Mine and Belle's yes," he said. "Speaking of which you made a rather large mistake your majesty. I thought I warned you not to harm her again after the last stunt you pulled regarding her." Regina shrugged.

"The curse separates you from your loved ones."

"I know dearie. I made it. But you cast it and controlled it. You made it as painful for Belle as you could."

"So, what you're going to kill me?" she asked and he was pleased to see a little fear. Rumple shook his head.

"Oh no. Belle being the near Saint she is made me promise not to. But that doesn't mean there aren't other versions of punishment." He grabbed her hand through the bars and pressed the gold medallion to her bare palm. Horror flooded Regina's face.

"Is that?"

"Oh yes, the one thing you can't escape. Destiny. And yours is particularly unpleasant." Turning away he then magicked himself back to the shop feeling satisfied.

He'd just put away the medallion when Belle entered the back room. She wore heels again and unlike when she was Lacey held herself with a great deal more confidence.

It was quite attractive.

"All locked up?" he said. She nodded.

"Yes." He watched as her eyes scanned him.

"So, this is what you looked like before the curse?" there was nothing but curiosity in her tone so Rumple couldn't quite tell what she was thinking as she drew closer.

"Yes, I'm afraid it isn't much of an upgrade from my other self. Even before the curse I was never the most handsome of men." Milah had made that more than clear. Belle took another step closer.

The Best Tea Cup is Chipped: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now