Success and Danger

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It was the middle of the night when Rumplestiltskin drove his car out to the town line. When he reached it, he found the Hatter and Pip standing next to the portal jumper's wine-red mustang convertible. Both were dressed in black to blend in with the night.

"Did you bring the goods?" asked Rumple.

"They nearly didn't fit but yes," said Pip. The Hatter popped the trunk to reveal, tied up inside the cramped space, none other than William Smee.

The Hatter dragged him out forcing the man to stand just in front of the town line. They ungagged him and immediately he began pleading.

"Don't push me over. If I cross the line, I'll lose my memory. It's a cruel fate."

"A fate you were more than willing to bestow upon Belle," snapped Pip and the man cowered in front of the three allies. Back in the Enchanted Forest it was well known their little trifecta was not one to cross.

"It was just business!" argued the man.

"Well, that kind of business can get you into a GREAT deal of trouble," said the Hatter. Rumplestiltskin plucked the beanie off of the man's head.

"You've had this rag since the day we met. Why is it so important to you?"

"My grandmother made it for me when I was a boy. It's always brought me good fortune. What difference does it make?" Rumplestiltskin poured a little of the purple potion over the hat.

"Oh, ho ho. All the difference in the world. It's your only chance."

"I can't step across!" said Smee.

"Well you could stay here and be turned into a snail. Or have the Piper play you into insanity," offered Jefferson with a mad grin. Smee blanched.

"What did you mean my only-" but Pip seemed to lose patience and kicked the man over the line. A magical wave ran across his Smee's body as the three watched.

"What's your name?" asked Rumple.

"William Smee."

"And who are we?"

"The Dark One, The Piped Piper, and The Portal Jumper Jefferson," Smee stood up. "I remember everything! How can this be?"

"Well, it seems that our little experiment was a success," smirked Rumple he pulled Smee over the town line. "Now drink this." He held out a white potion.

"What will that do."

"Erase your memory of tonight." answered Rumple.

"But I don't want to forget!" said Smee.

"Oh, for god's sake," muttered Pip. She pulled out her pipe and began playing a hypnotic tune. Smee swayed a little.

"Take the potion," ordered Rumple and this time the man complied without question. As soon as he'd drunk it the Hatter promptly knocked the man out.

"Right well now that's done I want you two to dispose of him."

"How do you want it done?" asked the Hatter.

"Just leave him in an alley with a beer bottle. He'll think he passed out."

"So not the fun way?" pouted Pip. Rumple rolled his eyes.

"I'll compensate you with breakfast tomorrow morning at my house. We can all tell Belle the good news."

"You just want back up when you tell her you kidnapped a man and shoved him over the line," chuckled Jefferson.

"I did no such thing. You kidnapped a man and Pip shoved him over. I just made observations," said Rumple and the three shared a laugh before Smee was heaved into the back end of the Bentley and the two cars separated.

The Best Tea Cup is Chipped: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now