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"That's not normal," said Emma.

"No indeed." Agreed Rumple as his eyes adjusted to the dark, he saw the shadowy shape of Belle step towards him looping her arm through his again.

"Watch Henry for me Fae I've got to go check this out." said Emma who had pulled out a flashlight.

"What do you think happened?" asked Grace.

"My guess would be someone forcibly cutting the power," replied Rumple.

"To what end?" asked Pip as the Hatter pulled out a lighter illuminating their little group. Rumple used this light to search around in his coat and pull out a pocket-sized flashlight.

"I think I know," said Belle and she pointed in the direction of the candle selling booth where people had begun to gather to get candles so as to light up the area.

"It looks like those candles will get sold after all," said the Hatter.

"Damn," said Belle suddenly.

"Everything alright?" asked Rumple who doubted Lacey was upset about the candles.

"I left my purse by the chairs."

"Take my flashlight," he told her and she headed off to grab the purse.

"Ah Leroy. He was rather desperate earlier to get them sold mind you I don't give money to...fairies though." The Hatter said his tone a little bitter. Rightfully so.

"Leroy is Dreamy the dwarf!" said Henry. Pip made a sound of understanding.

"True love seeping through again it seems. The dwarf is fighting for his fairy love."

"He gave up their running away together so Nova could be a fairy godmother, right?" said Henry.

"Well, the Blue Fairy originally convinced him to do so. Up until our dear Pip convinced Nova to prioritize her happy ending and true love." Corrected Rumple.

"So a villain was technically responsible for them getting together and the Blue Fairy was the one stopping it?" asked Henry in surprise.

"I mean Rumplestiltskin supposedly played a bigger hand in Snow White and Charmin getting together than any of the forces of 'good' ever did going of the events of the book," said Grace thoughtfully. Rumple shrugged.

"I'm a fan of true love though I admit I did forget about those two. Your grandparents will no doubt be angry at me for mentioning this, once they wake up, but the world isn't as black and white as the heroes make it seem."

Before Henry could respond the sound of Belle's footsteps returned and any fairytale talk was cut short.

"Found it. I suppose I'd lose my own head if it weren't attached." Rumple saw the Hatter's hand go to his neck uncomfortably.

"Henry!" cried a shrill voice and they all turned to see Regina striding towards them.

"I was so worried! What are you doing hanging around with these people they're dangerous."

"His school teacher and best friend are dangerous?" asked Pip in a deceptively innocent tone.

"I was referring to the Gold and the escaped lunatic. Though your boyfriend isn't much better."

"Lacey was given a clean bill of health Madame Mayor," hissed Rumple stepping in front of Belle. "And as I recall you are supposed to keep up our bargain." Regina glared at him.

"Just make sure you keep up ours," she snapped and turned on her heel practically dragging Henry behind her.

"What did she mean by deal?" asked Belle. Rumple shook his head.

The Best Tea Cup is Chipped: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now