"Lloyd, I really don't think going down there's a good idea." Kai pointed out.

"Especially on a dragon." Zane added, "In the past, your fear has caused your dragon to vanish and--"

"That was a long time ago. I am now a master..." Lloyd insisted.

"In training, Lloyd!" Anirei said.

"And our temple is under attack, Rei! I don't have time for fear. I'll take care of the ones down below. You guys hold them off up here. And protect the Time Blade." Lloyd then rode down on his dragon to the ground to the rest of the Vermillion Warriors.

"Hmm. You do have to admire his unfounded moxie." Jay said nearly impressed by Lloyd's determination to fight.

"I'm a little nervous that his unfounded moxie will get him hurt one of these days." Anirei said worriedly before going back to the fight. As she was taking down more of the Vermillion warriors, Anirei sensed something happening in the sky. She looked up and saw several Vermillion Warriors flying through the air and heading straight for Lloyd.

"Elder Brothers, Elder Sister! I'm going to join Lloyd. Stay strong!" She shouted and took off with her own Elemental dragon, flying as fast as she could just as a Vermillion Warrior nearly struck Lloyd on his dragon. He screamed, his fear causing the dragon to disappear.

Thankfully, Anirei caught him before he could fall any further.

"Rei?!" Lloyd said in shock.

"Elder Brother Zane did warn you about using your Dragon, Lloyd." She stated.

"I was going to be fine, I'm a--"

"You can say that you're a master all you want, Lloyd. You're still in training!" Anirei shouted back and sighed in frustration at her boyfriend.

She was about to fly back up to the others with Lloyd, when even more of the flying Vermillion Warriors swarmed her dragon. Lloyd stood on the back of the dragon and fought them off as Anirei tried to fly while fighting off a few of the warriors. 

"Get off my dragon you snakes!" Anirei shouted punching one of the warriors, but it fought back, hitting straight at the head, causing her to lose focus on her dragon and making them all fall towards the ground.

"Rei!" Lloyd shouted, grabbing Anirei by the hand and pulling her into his body as they fell. He shut his eyes tightly, too scared to conjure his own dragon. His mind ran through any kind of idea that could help him and Anirei just as something grabbed them and saved them from hitting the ground.

Lloyd opened his eyes and both he and Anirei saw what caught them. He and Anirei were stunned to see the Samurai X suit with a person sitting inside, but Anirei couldn't feel Nya's elemental power from the suit. No, it had a different feeling to it. Almost multiple feelings within the pilot. The suit then landed on the island while Nya glared at the suit thief.

"Hey, you! Suit thief!" She screamed at the mysterious pilot as Lloyd and Anirei were safely let down.

"You owe me an explanation. I have a right to know who you are. Tell me." Nya demanded, but before she could storm the suit Jay pushed her back.

"I got this." Jay laughed nervously, "Who are you?" But the pilot said nothing to answer him, "Huh? How did that not work?"

"Well, Samurai whoever you are, thank you." Lloyd thanked and Anirei bowed.

"I hope that we can become comrades once again in the future." She smiled.

""Thank you"?" Nya said as the Samurai flew away, "Samurai Whoever-You-Are stole my suit."

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