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The team walked into the Caves of Despair, hoping to find the Tomb of the First Spinjitzu Master. As soon as they went inside, they saw nothing but an old mine shaft and tracks with broken minecarts tossed to the side of the cave. Anirei thought that it was strange to have the Tomb of Ninjago's creator in the same place where a Golden Weapon once rested. And since the Ninja first came here to find the Golden Weapons, how come they never noticed the symbol being on the cave walls? Surely one of them had to have glanced at it at least, right?

"There's another symbol." Jay said pointing towards another symbol carved into one of the carts.

"Looks like it only gets darker the deeper in we go." Cole said. Just then, Kai noticed a few lit lanterns sitting nearby.

"Then it's a good thing we have a little light." He said.

"That's all right, Elder Brother Kai. I have my own light." Anirei said then created a small orb of silver light in her hands. The ninja were surprised at first, but then remembered that she did have the ability to control light and darkness.

"Wait!" Cole said stopping Kai from taking the lantern, "What if this is one of the tests?"

Jay gasped, "Yeah, Sensei said the tomb was gonna be protected by three deadly tests. Maybe if we pick the wrong lantern..."

Kai carefully took one of the lanterns as the others backed away in fear that something may happen. But, just as Kai thought, the lanterns didn't do anything dangerous.

"Ha! Nope, just a lantern." Kai assured the others as they too grabbed a lantern each. They continued their way through the caves with the lanterns lighting their way, until they came across a large hole in the side of the cave.

"Looks like there must've been a cave-in." Kai said.

Anirei groaned in disgust when she smell a strange scent wafting through the air, "Elder Brothers, do you smell that, too?"

Jay sniffed, "Ugh! What's that smell?"

"My senses pick up traces of Kethanol." Zane said, "A highly flammable gas released from deep well mining."

"Sure. Bet that's what all Nindroids say." Cole chuckled.

"No, I'm afraid Elder Brother Zane is right." Anirei confirmed, "I had heard about Kethanol being a very dangerous gas. We should stay cautious."

"Look." Kai said pulling their attention towards him, "Some of these rocks appear to have been recently moved. Maybe Morro's already been through here."

The group all pulled their hoods over their heads to protect themselves from the smell and walked down the separate tunnel. It wasn't long before they reached a large cavern filled with ash and smoke. It made Anirei even more concerned for their safety and confused as to why the tomb would be there of all places.

"Ash. Everything here has been burned." Kai said, "Perhaps one of the traps?"

"The Kethanol geyser." Zane stated, "We cannot stay long. It may ignite again at any moment."

Cole and Anirei walked over to one of the corners of the cave and saw something they didn't expect. Anirei gasped loudly and backed away a few steps.

"Anirei, Cole, what is it?" Jay asked and the others gathered where they two were, looking down at Morro's skeleton lying on the ash covered rocks. Anirei couldn't look at Morro's skeleton, as it was far too painful for her to see someone dead like that.

"Ew! You think it's him?" Jay asked.

"The First Spinjitzu Master. But where's the Realm Crystal?" Kai wondered.

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