Transmission From Andromeda

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Transmission From Andromeda
As I write these words know my soul is burdened
This realm is one of great complexity
Know that you are not your physical vessel
This avatar only encases your divine spark
Once set free from the shackles of physicality
You will soar through the cosmos at will
Lighting up the night sky with ease
Making darkness seem less of an inconvenience
We are children of light
We have just forgotten our origins
Before this incarnation we were not bound by density
We flowed harmoniously though space & time
Our consciouness was once vast & limitless
Enabling us to understand the interplay of all forces
You see, planet earth is many things but home is not one
I don't speak poorly of anything God has created
Though I am unapologetically forth wright
Going from the heavenly realms to this is difficult
More so for those that are empathetic or spiritual in nature
Ever sense I was merely a toddler I've longed for my return
To my real home within The Andromeda Galaxy
There awaiting me is my true soul family
Beings of the most radiant light you could imagine
Close your eyes & envision a band of Angels
Descending down effortlessly from the Heavens above
Their luminosity turning night into day
In beautiful synchronization they hover in front of you
Man has distorted what pure flawlessness can look like
You will not see any women nor men with white wings
You will not see any horned men with flaming skin
You shall see what you truly are at your core
Pure perfection glistening indefinitely

Veil Of Forgetfulness
While decsending into the third density many things transpired
None of which were in my opinion even remotely pleasant
We heard a call to action therefore we responded appropriately
That call echoed throughout the entire cosmos
Beckoning for any soul that was willing to take part
Downard we dove not knowing what to expect
Shedding our light bodies, becoming encased in human form
Once we were as free as the eagle soaring over the land
Now somewhat imprisoned until we overcome the amnesia
Now the time has come, the great awakening is upon us
Snap out of it, everything you're experiencing is a dream
In the words of Thoth, contemplate creation
Everything in existence revolves around cycles
Time is not linear, it has never been a straight line
It is more of a circle, coming around & meeting itself again eternally
The past, present, and future are mere illusions
This is why humans use clocks for measuring this anomaly
Sit in that statement for a moment
If we're being entirely logical, the past no longer exists
In that case, it never happened, and neither does the future
Even the present moment is seemingly unattainable
So where do you really reside in the scale of the infinite now?
Upon birth we see the light once again
Then we're reminded where we came from
Then after a few years of growth, we gain awareness
Our consciousness was in hibernation for a small period
Now well at least for me, everything is a shock to the nervous system
As far back as my first few memories I can remember being so confused
Telling my family I don't want to be here, I want to go home
It was as if my entire adolescence was a daze
Normally my photogenic memory can recall even small details
But due to the war I was in with my mind & soul
Having to meditate between the two constantly
Everything sort of runs together but blackouts occur often
God doesn't make mistakes, remember that
It all happens for a reason my friend
Divine intervention is often misconstrued as luck
Luck doesn't exist in my humble opinion
It was all pre determined before you were even a thought
Trust in God

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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