[28] Strengthening Ties

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Amias landed onto the ground and his balance was unsteady for a moment. Lightheaded, he took a moment to catch his breath. I should stop teleporting for the time being. No one knew where Lyle and you went after he was caught up in the mist, so Amias opted to teleport wherever he could until he found you. It led to a reckless and strenuous use of his abilities.

Amias summoned the holographic map and carefully observed his surroundings. He deduced that he was right on the edge of the ghost town. Normally, relief would flood him since he was one step closer to reaching the main city and completing the SF trial. But that wasn't his objective. His objective was to find you and make sure you were safe.

After all, it was his fault you got hurt.

Before Amias had the chance to reprimand himself for the fifth time, he caught a glimpse of you––was that you? A naive part of Amias hoped that by the time he had found you, you'd be back to normal. However, the moment Amias met your eyes, a sharp chill skewered that wishful thinking. Your static filled eyes, the unsettling grin on your lips; that wasn't you.

And there was Lyle as well. Amias ignored his previous thought of reducing the use of his abilities and pushed aside his fatigue to teleport right in front of Lyle.

Amias's eyes narrowed in hostility. "Was that true? Did you try to kill her?"

The disbelief he felt when he had first heard the irregular apparition say that came flooding back to Amias. If it was true, why didn't you mention it to him? Was he not trustworthy enough? In fact, why would Lyle try to kill you in the first place?

"Do you think we have time for that kind of conversation right now?"

Lyle didn't deny it.

"It's an easy question!" Amias shouted, taking a step closer to Lyle. "What did you do to her?"

"It's a damned long story, okay? We have bigger things to deal with here!"

"If you think about hurting (Y/n) to get rid of the possession––"

"And so what if I do?! What else is there, Amias? Are you that stupidly naive to think there can be a pacifist route for everything?"

Amias bit down the urge to refute. Yes, Amias cared about the wellbeing of others, he was enthusiastic when it came to being helpful, and he valued kindness. A pacifist route for everything? Lyle's words were in line with his character.

However, if it were anyone else Amias didn't think he'd care to this extent. After all, he was still realistic. In a life or death scenario, there is no perfect and happy way to resolve anything. But this was you. You were someone he cared for and you were someone he felt comfortable around. You meant so much to him, of course he didn't want you to get hurt!

Was it so wrong of him to hope for a solution that would cause you the least amount of harm?

"(Y/n)'s not the type to give up, maybe she'll come back as an apparition and you can say your final goodbye there," Lyle said.

(Y/n) an apparition...?

Amias didn't want to think about your death. He couldn't lose you. Not only was Amias incredibly thankful for the security you gave him, but you alone as an individual was someone he admired and held great reverence for. Confidence, the determination to strive forward, and had a purposeful goal. There was so much you had to live for. In Amias's eyes, you took the spotlight in his life.

You were the protagonist he'd follow till the end.

The next events were a blur. One moment Lyle was trying to converse with the apparition, the next his hand had impaled your body.

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