[07] Apprehensive Confrontations

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"Is something wrong?"

The protagonist gave you an inquisitive look. At his question, you tried to point out the holographic screen, but it disappeared into thin air. Stunned, you were dilatory in providing him a response.

"Oh, uh. Nothing," you said slowly, confused and suspicious of what just happened. "So, um. What brings you here?"

"I was hoping to find you. I was worried since you were unconscious," he explained. "Was it because of me...?"

He was probably referring to the exorcism. You dismissively waved your hand. "Don't worry, I was just tired. Question. How did you find me?"

The male was silent for a moment. "I asked around."

Asked around, huh? You didn't know whether to feel offended that his lie was so blatantly obvious or gush at how innocent he looked when trying to think of a response. But, if he didn't bring up the fact that he was using a floating digital map even though it was obvious that you saw it (c'mon, it was literally right in front of you), then were you not supposed to have seen it in the first place?

Oh god, this is getting confusing.

"Makes sense, the building is pretty complex. Anyone new would get lost," you said. "Anyways, I'm starving. Wanna walk to the cafeteria together?"

The protagonist smiled. "Sure. Ah, I know this is long overdue, but may I ask for your name?"

You had totally forgotten about introducing yourself to him. "(Y/n), you?"

In the game, the protagonist's name was whatever the player decided. However, his default name was...

"Amias," he answered. "It's nice to meet you, (Y/n)."

You nodded. "Likewise. Actually, before you came here, Caleb stopped by and visited. He told me some stuff about your situation. So, what are you going to do now?"

"To be honest, I'm not entirely sure..."

A contemplative expression reflected on his face. Soft spoken words, a reserved and polite manner of articulating himself; seeing Amias now and remembering what he was like when he massacred everyone, it made you realise just how drastic his development was both in power and character.

"Do you have any ideas?" he asked.

"Going to be honest, no idea. I'm just a support," you replied. "Are you familiar with the different roles in the AEI?"

"I have a basic knowledge of it, someone told me. I think his name was Caleb?"

"Black hair and green eyes?"

"That's right."

"Let me guess, he didn't introduce himself?"

"It's fine. I picked up on it when you were talking to him back there."

"Oh, speaking of back there..." Your voice trailed off as you thought of a way to somehow bring up an explanation about your knowledge on exorcising an apparition. "When I was possessed––"

Your words came to a crashing halt when you turned the corner and noticed a familiar black-haired male. Green eyes meeting yours, a wide smile danced on his lips as he cheerfully waved in your direction.

"Miss support!"

"Caleb? I thought you left?"

"Well, now I'm back," he said, approaching you. "Wanted to do a quick delivery."


"Yup~ Take your palms out!"

Suspicious, you hesitantly did as he asked. Caleb placed something in your hands and you saw that they were cookies. There was even a neatly done green ribbon sealing the plastic package on top. Attached to it was a small note and written on it was 'for Miss support ;D'.

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