[01] A Stormy Start

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Small streams of a silvery moonbeam filtered past the clouds that dappled above. Whispers of a gentle breeze would occasionally blow every now and then, moving the scattered litter left on the streets. A dark inky sky dressed the city, clearly indicating the late hour. As people began turning in for the night, lights on apartment windows began flickering off one by one.

Though this part of the city was asleep, there was one particular individual who was very well awake. And, well, that person was you.

Legs crossed on your chair, one arm resting on your desk whilst your hand held your chin, and a pensive look reflecting in your eyes as your gaze fixated on the computer monitor in front of you; it was clear that you were both comfortable and completely immersed in your current task.

However, it was quick for the look of concentration on your expression to change when your eyebrows knitted together in both disbelief and incredulity.

"You're kidding me."

Sitting upright, your hands darted to your phone. Typing in a search bar, your fingers rapidly glided across the glass screen so swiftly you almost looked like you were competing in some sort of professional sport. Your attention remained focused on the illuminating screen as your gaze skimmed the internet for the results of your inquiry.

"This was supposed to happen?" you whispered, still unbelieving of the information presented in front of you. "What part of 99% of the main cast dying is a good ending?"

Anomalous, an RPG game that you played feverishly. To explain what it's about in simple terms; it essentially revolves around the concept of ghosts and exorcists, you play as a protagonist who has a powerful yet unpredictable ability to exorcise ghosts. The plot is a little complex to briefly outline it without giving a lot away, it's the type best unraveled with no prior knowledge beforehand.

The game attracted an audience at first predominantly for it's captivating and mesmerising art. After all, you admittedly were attracted to it's brilliant cover art before taking the time to check out what it's about. However, many stayed for its intriguing storyline and high quality game mechanics.

You typically wouldn't invest too much of your time in games since you'd much prefer spending that time writing. But, you couldn't help but feel invested in this particular one. As an aspiring author, your interest in the game especially centered around the story and its characters. In a way, it inspired and motivated you to write.

Though you knew the mechanics of the game very well (not to brag, but your protagonist was basically unstoppable by now), the story itself was what you had the most knowledge on. You read up on every official information there was on the game, always talked to every NPC to uncover extra dialogue or hidden side quests, took time to research the lore, and explored the world to the fullest.

Which was why you were currently fuming to yourself quietly in frustration at an ungodly hour of the night. You loved the game's story a lot, that was clear. Which was why your dissatisfaction at its ending was so great.

The cast of characters you've been playing with for the entirety of the game, the characters you've invested time in to get to know them, the characters that you fought battles in with and levelled up, the characters you've been connecting with and exploring with for the entire game. The ones that haven't died yet towards the end of the game did so all in one scene. It wasn't even a carefully crafted death scene, they were all basically massacred.

By who? Well, by the protagonist of this game.

One may assume it was a bad ending, which was understandable. That was your initial assumption when you first encountered it. However, after just having done some research and reading up on a few forums, you realised that it was indeed supposed to happen.

Anomalous (Yanderes x reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt