[10] Start of a Rewritten Narrative

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You glanced down and lightly tapped the ice on the floor with your foot before bringing your leg up and slamming it down, smashing the ice into pieces. The pressure caused the rest of the ice across the hallway to also shatter. And in a blink of an eye, the floor was now devoid of the sheet of ice.

You shook off the bits of snow and ice on your shoes. "Much better, didn't feel like ice skating today."

The amount of strength that was coursing through your body was both overwhelming and exhilarating. You were surprised, you would've thought the apparitions would either continued to oppose you or moved on somewhere else. But from the looks of it, they were lending you their strength and sticking by you. You could still feel their intense emotions of frustration and vengeance, but you welcomed it and used it to fuel your own determination.

You walked, impervious to the furious snowstorm, and heard the shouts of AEI members from afar. You paused in your steps. From the sound of it, they were coming your way. If they were to see you now, their first instinct would be to exorcise the apparitions before potentially deeming you as a threat.

"Alright then. If you don't want to die a second time, follow me."

You turned around and began running up the stairs, each stride powerful. And with swift kicks from the side you broke down walls as a shortcut; it wasn't necessary, but you wanted to spite the chairman and create more mess for him to clean up. The apparitions even helped you in that endeavour and began destroying walls just for the sake of it.

It didn't take long for you to reach the rooftop. When you walked over to the edge, you thought of where you could direct the apparitions.

"Actually, I know the perfect place," you mumbled.

It was a little bit of a tedious process to get to the location, but their safety can be guaranteed. After you said the instructions, there was a short period of silence before the apparitions began leaving your side. Without their support, you felt your energy gradually deplete and exhaustion catching up to you. Too tired to move, you glanced at the city landscape. Thanks to the building's colossal height, the city appeared small from above. And despite the chaos occurring inside the building, you felt a little at peace sightseeing.

The city is thriving like usual, unaware of the storm inside the AEI. Well, the building was located fairly far away from the busy parts of the city, after all.

You were so immersed in your thoughts that you didn't realise your eyes slowly closing from exhaustion and your body giving out. Without the apparitions here, your fragile state was much more apparent. Though your broken bones had been healed to an extent, you still had wounds inflicted onto you that were causing you to lose a concerning amount of blood. At least the cold numbed the pain, but you needed medical treatment.

You turned around and slowly made your way to an infirmary, a hand holding your shoulder. Keeping your gaze low, you saw spots of blood painting the floor. After a few steps, you tripped and fell onto the ground. But what should've been an impact with the floor was replaced with someone's arms.

"Easy there, I've got you."

Recognising the voice, you weren't surprised when you looked up and met a pair of emerald green eyes.

"Miss support, you just love getting into dangerous situations, don't you?" Caleb chuckled, hoisting you up and carrying you bridal style. "Next time invite me, okay?"

"(Y/n)! Are you okay?"

Amias entered the scene, concern written all over his expression. He approached you and Caleb before wincing once he got a closer look at you. You could feel the blood from your forehead dripping down your face, so you could imagine what your state was like.

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