[03] A Harrowing Revelation

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The act of possession. In a world where apparitions existed, it's not abnormal to assume that something such as possession is inevitable to occur. The experience differs depending on the type of apparition; some experiences can be less painful and not as difficult to fight against whilst others are a completely different case.

Different types of apparitions take control of an individual's body in their own unique manner. For example, some would use the owner's body to attack everything in sight since their entity-like state isn't strong enough to do so themselves. Others are able to behave in a way that makes it difficult to distinguish between the apparition and the original owner of the body. The list goes on.

However your situation was one of the most perilous ones.

Possession from a vengeful apparition was by no means easy to fend off. They would first place the individual in a excruciating pain before forcefully entering their mind. Any form of resistance would put a larger strain on the victim.

Then, they would access the victim's memories and emotional state. They would use that to their advantage and select any aspects of negativity or vulnerability. This would be used to either encourage the negativity, whether it'll be any past grudges or buried anger. Or the apparition would take advantage of a sense of vulnerability, whether it'll be an insecurity or a haunting past.

They would use it to control the individual, force them to give in, and then turn them into a destructive force. This can result in the victim exceeding human capabilities through either strength or durability. After possession the individual's body would face severe consequences for defying their limitations. This can result in broken bones, internal damage, or even death.

Being aware of this fact didn't make things any easier for you. You could hardly grasp your own thoughts and differentiate your feelings from what was your own to what was forced onto you by the apparition. Whispers that weren't your true thoughts oppressed your mind, your emotional state spiraled out of control, and you desperately tried to maintain some form of control of yourself.

Thinking that you could fight against it and win was a hopeful thought. The only thing you could really do against it was hold out for as long as possible and rely on Caleb to exorcise the apparition out of you.

You shut your eyes tightly to subdue the pain even if it was just a little. Then, suddenly, an excruciating pain tore through your body. You felt a dreadfully heavy weight crushing your skull, a warm liquid dripping down your head, and a biting cold wind gnawing your skin.

You wanted to scream, cry, slam your hands against something to distract yourself from the pain. However, all you could do was suffer through the agony. You wouldn't describe it as the feeling of death. It was the feeling of a life desperately clinging onto survival, the feeling of heavy eyes trying to stay open, the feeling of a broken body trying to function, the feeling of a mind fearfully clinging onto consciousness in the face of death.

...What was this?

The darkness that once occupied your vision had vanished and an image showed up in it's replacement. At first, what it was didn't occur to you. But, when realisation hit you, you were left in both shock and confusion.

Collapsed walls, broken furniture, scattered debri, shattered glass; judging from the scraps of evidence that you could piece together, you concluded that it was your apartment back at home in ruins. At a closer inspection, you could see a body crushed underneath the ruin, blood pooling out from underneath them at an alarming rate. Horror struck you when you recognised who it was.

Glassy and lifeless eyes, limp body, pale skin, breathless; no matter how much you tried to doubt or deny the possibility, you couldn't run away from the fact that it was undoubtedly your dead body. The sight was so nauseating that you felt the urge to retch right then and there.

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