[16] Unsatisfied Feelings

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Though his footwork was a little clumsy, Amias managed to dodge an apparition's attack before exorcising it afterwards. Soft pants escaped his lips and he took a moment to catch his breath, a part of him wishing he had a bottle of water to quench his thirst. Having to deal with countless apparitions nonstop was starting to take a toll on his body. At least the one he just exorcised was the last of them.

Having to experience battle in a life or death scenario was a lot different from training in the AEI. What Amias lacked most was experience, so he hoped that the SF trial would be a good chance to improve on that. After all, before he joined the AEI, he lived his entire life confined.

A yellow holographic screen summoned in front of him, displaying text.

"Level up? What does that mean?"

Ever since he left his home, he had access to this screen. There were no instructions or explanations on the strange device; it was just there. Not to mention, no one else notices it but himself. Amias had been doing his best to get accustomed to it, but it seemed like every time he thought he had gotten the hang of it, another new feature was added.

Amias touched the screen and it showed a map of the area of the SF trial. There were grey spaces that obscured the details of certain sections. The only parts that displayed the overview in detail were areas he had already been to. It wasn't different from when he received a map of the AEI layout. It was awfully convenient and he felt bad that he was the only one who could use it. If only there was a way to lend this to others.

Amias's gold eyes fluttered in confusion at an odd triangle symbol on the map. "Teleport points...? What are those?"

There was also a new button and he selected it without knowing what it was. His eyes widened.

Ah, there are more things.

"Inventory... skills level up..."

If only there were descriptions of what these things were. He was completely lost.

Amias sighed. "I wish someone could guide me."

He then heard a low rumbling that came from the sky, it resembled the start of a storm. He took it as a cue to end his little break.

"I think it's coming from over there..."


With an exasperated huff, you stopped running. Taking a look around the area, you recognised familiar structures and quickly calculated how much further you needed to go.

"Shoot, at this rate I won't make it."

You didn't think that you were this far away from the location. If you burned through your energy, then you'd be able to make it. However, your presence would be useless if you were too exhausted to utter a word. But you also couldn't afford to be late because it defeated the purpose of coming there in the first place.

You tapped your foot on the ground, staring at it in immense concentration. "What to do, what to do..."

"(Y/n)! Is that––that is you."

Ah, you'd recognise that voice anywhere. You turned to the source of the voice and saw Amias approaching you. "Amias? What a coincidence!"

A relieved smile graced his lips. "I was worried, but you seem to be okay. I'm glad."

Best not to tell him what happened between you and Lyle. "It's good to see that you're fine as well. Anyway I need to get going––"

Amias gave you a confused look when you suddenly stopped speaking. Hold on a second. Since Amias was here, there might be a way for you to reach your destination fast and without using too much energy. Though, you hesitated for a fraction of a second with how suspicious and odd you were going to appear to Amias. Well, if it's a necessary step to save Caleb, then you'd take it.

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