[09] Reincarnation

182 21 8

This doesn't make any sense! Since when did the plot move this fast?!

A day. You had at least one day before this scene occurred. There was no way your involvement in the story sped up the plot, right? You had zero interaction with anything related to the TDD (technology design division) and you didn't interact with Amias after the SF trial assembly.

The time constraint of the situation restricted your opportunity to dwell on the issue any longer. Quickly recalling the layout of the building, you mapped out the fastest route in your head and began sprinting. Your balance was precarious with every step you took, your breathing was uneven and haphazard, and you swore that you heard sounds of walls collapsing and debris crashing against the ground from a distance. It didn't matter if it was because of your perturbation or that the situation was escalating much more than you thought, you picked up your pace anyways and almost fell forward at your increased acceleration.

You cast a panicked glance at your device. The thought of contacting someone momentarily crossed your mind, but you quickly dismissed it. Caleb should be with Amias and the two are meant to be helping people during the crisis, Elias had his own important role in both investigating the source of the issue and resolving it, there was literally no way Lyle would help you, and if you called Lily or anyone from your support team you'll just be making the situation worse.

You approached a set of stairs and grabbed the railing and jumped over it as a shortcut. You wished you could say it went well, but it didn't. Upon landing, you immediately stumbled, fell forward, and crashed into the wall. Adrenaline numbed the pain and you managed to get up on your feet. As soon as you did, a force slammed right behind you, creating a hole in the wall.

You apprehensively looked over your shoulder. The apparitions were closing in and they were furious. Well, given that they were trapped in the lab for experimental purposes for years, some for over a decade, you can see why they were wrecking havoc.

Thankfully, no signs of possession just yet. You wished you could see where they were, but you'll have to assume they have infested the place by now. You ran down the stairs for a few steps before jumping off to save time. Your landing was disrupted when thin ice layers began forming onto the floor, causing you to slip. You managed to break your fall, but your knees were practically crying. A strong wind began oppressing the air and snowflakes descended.

"An incoming storm," you huffed, a string of frosty air coming from your breath. "He's almost here."

The window to your right shattered, letting in a strong rush of wind. The intensity of it pushed you back and slammed you against the wall. It was like someone had strapped weights to every limb in your body, no matter how hard you tried to get up, you couldn't. Glancing down at the floor, you saw more ice beginning to form on the ground. The layers were becoming thicker by the second.

Wasn't this scenario all too familiar? Being in the midst of danger and having the knowledge of how to avoid but being unable to put it to use?

A loud crack and low rumbling came from above. You glanced up and saw fractures beginning to form across the ceiling, it didn't take a genius to figure out that the entire roof was on the verge of collapsing. The severity of the situation jolted your nerves to act and you miraculously mustered the strength to stand up. The ice floor threw you off balance and before you knew it, the ceiling came tumbling down. You shielded your head with your arms and braced for the impact.

However, you didn't feel anything.

Confused, you hesitantly opened your eyes and your arms fell down to your sides. Observing your surroundings, your eyes fluttered in shock. The world around you had lost all its colour, it was completely black and white, and the debris from the collapsing ceiling had suspended mid-air. To put it in simple words, it looked like someone had paused time. Or if you wanted to make it sound more fitting, paused a game.

Anomalous (Yanderes x reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ