[24] Protagonist

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It was a regular morning, but a very exciting one nonetheless. A small child with tousled black hair and bright gold eyes woke up and stretched his arms over his head. After yawning and rubbing the drowsiness off his eyes, he jumped off and quickly made his bed. The child glanced over to the plushies and chirpily greeted them with great enthusiasm.

"Good morning!"

He ran to the bathroom, splashed water in his face, and sighed contently at the refreshing coolness. On his tiptoes to see his reflection, he brushed his teeth; a lovable and innocent face was what many would say. It was the face of the person who would grow and become the protagonist of this world.

After getting dressed, the child entered the living room and went to the kitchen. The space that the he lived in resembled a small apartment. It seemed normal enough. Well, aside from the large floating holographic screen that was in front of the door. The yellow screen had one word imprinted in yellow, which was:

[ Loading ]

The small child, the little protagonist, lived in a unique space. It was disconnected from the world. He was provided with basic information for those who grew up with a normal life. The meaning of friends and family, what is considered to be wrong––you get the point. Yet, he was never able to experience any of the things he knew, the small apartment kept him away from society. The door was always locked and the window wasn't an option since he was several floors above.

But! Not to fret, because today was the day he was going to finally leave. The child made it a habit every day to check if the door had unlocked. Lo and behold, last night it was. He was tempted to leave right then and there, but he knew of the dangers of wandering alone at night. Thankfully, though it was the next day, the door was still unlocked.

In terms of how the little protagonist came into this world, he had no clue. One day, he woke up in this apartment and the instructions of what he needed to do were already embedded in his head. Eat, sleep, maintain hygiene, study; the basic needs for a human to survive. Whatever time he had left he was left to his own devices.

There were bookshelves where new material would appear everyday. One day he'd learn the concept of family, the next he'd learn what a city was. It was what he looked forward to everyday. Not to mention, as the days progress the loading bar on the holographic screen would fill up a little, albeit very subtly. You'd have to wait at least a week to clearly see progress.

Today, the loading bar showed that it was almost a quarter way to being filled. The child was slowly losing patience. It had been several years and it wasn't even close to being done. Now that he had the opportunity to explore outside, how could he pass it up? The little protagonist was starving to leave these confined walls, to meet people, to experience rather than just read through the pages of a book.

The child cooked a simple breakfast. It took some time to learn how to, but he was proud of his current skills. When he first came into this world he had to rely on pre packaged food. The fridge was always stocked and he didn't need to worry about matters such as bills. Though, he still had to clean the place and wash the dishes. And like any child would, he dreaded doing those things.

The little protagonist lived his day to day life in solitary. At first, he didn't mind at all because it was all he ever knew. However, as he learned more about the outside world, his lifestyle soon became more lonely. There was a feeling of longing, for there to be more purpose to his life. The child always wondered why he was different from everyone else, but there was never an explanation.

"Well, it's okay now!" He nodded to himself, determined. "I'll be going outside today."

He always dreamt of the day he'd go outside, and now it was finally happening! Will he finally meet other people? Just what did the world outside feel like? These questions swam around the child's mind as he happily ate breakfast. Once he was done, he cleaned up, crossed off the previous date on his calendar, then prepared to leave.

Anomalous (Yanderes x reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora